Public presentation 13 September

Just a quick message to let everybody know that Team Recruitment & Onboarding would like to organise another public presentation on Wednesday 13 September (ping @reef-recruitment). The reasoning is that we are still far from the ideal number of households, and so why not try to add a couple more.

@mieke: when you are back from your holidays, would you possibly be willing to take the lead on the organisation? We will find somebody to take over when you are away in September. Here’s the little manual that we use for now:

@reef-comms would you be willing to help us out with the promotion? I was thinking of:

  • Flyers: on the front the version without a date (“looking for people”), so that we can reuse them, and on the back the version in three languages.

  • Social media: maybe we could start an Instagram account like the architects suggested?

@Janet: would you possibly be willing to take the lead on the flyers while Manuel is away? Ideally we should distribute them at the plenary of 31 July. If they can be ordered, I can go and pick them up (it’s in my street).


thanks lie! yes, at @reef-comms we are happy to help!
facebook event created. Meeting presentation - Cohousing in Brussels
we are testing a new ticketing system. and I put a simbolic price of 5 euros for joining the event

i will put this on the agenda of the next @reef-comms meeting

Yes! I can take care of the flyers and for the insta account :slight_smile:


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is the date is correct on facebook ?
MARDI 19 SEPTEMBRE 2023 DE 19 H 30 À 21 H 00 UTC+02
Meeting presentation - Cohousing in Brussels


Not sure I completely agree with the symbolic price, will that maybe have the opposite effect eg. being suspicious about the project vs. welcoming? Shall we add it include a drink? I am thinking just from my pov I think I would have not gone if that was the case. Not sure how to explain, is not about the 5 euros is about the ‘asking money’ since day 1? Happy to talk it further. I already share the event :slight_smile:


@manuelpueyo which email to use for creating the Instagram account? :slight_smile:

Thanks @manuelpueyo for your help!

Furthermore, I think the ticketing system is Team Recruitment’s remit (ping @reef-recruitment) and I personally can’t consent to this. The main idea of the new system that Alberto proposed and that we all consented is to get as many people as possible at the presentation (fill the room completely) and then filter out the ones who are really interested.
I also agree with Janet that it doesn’t give a good impression to ask for money from day 1. We are not delivering any service that would justify an entrance fee. On the contrary, we are trying to convey an atmosphere of hospitality.

The date of the Facebook event is not correct though. Can you please correct this to 13/09? If we revert back to the original system of free entrance with a reservation, we would also need a new link to the registration form. In the absence of volunteers I can take care of that, but not before this Monday.

2 Likes i can send you the password to access the email account via private message

sorry i was off for the long weekend, i have updated the facebook event. please check if everything looks ok.

i have created a copy of the registration form in google drive.

i am not sure about the ticket price: there are some benefits attached to asking a price. it filters people who are really interested. people who pay tend to come to the event. and it’s to cover the cost of the venue. but i am fine with the policy of @reef-recruitment

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great! thanks janet, i will ask the graphic designer this week to make a new batch of printing. i will keep you guys posted.

Oki, great. From here on though I would like to propose to leave the initiative with Team Recruitment, because this is causing extra work for me.

So update:

  • I created a new form, because there are date specific references in the forms, and it’s also easier to get a new sheet with all the people who registered.
  • I added the link to the new form in the Facebook event and I updated our website.
  • I sent an email to Brutopia to see whether we can use the room, because otherwise we need to choose another date.

Thanks @Lee and @reef-comms for the work so far!

I can help @mieke with the organisation and take over from her when she is away in September… :slight_smile:


flyer as requested, please have a look and let me know if it looks ok to be sent to print . regards to all

Looks great! Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot! I cleaned up the last two columns in our manual, and filled in the things that have been done so far.
The three things that are the most urgent now I believe are

  1. getting confirmation from Brutopia (email has been sent)
  2. checking the Google document from time to time and sending out confirmation emails (Mieke has access)
  3. posting an ad on (because they have a monthly newsletter)

Great work! I’m not sure if we discussed this already, but presumably the system for each time we have a new presentation is that someone from Team Recruitment and Onboarding (this time you) gets the ball rolling by clearing the two right-hand columns and assigning responsibility with a new thread (such as this one)…

I know that Mike is on holiday until tomorrow… have you talked to her already about this? I don’t see in the thread above that she confirmed taking on the role.

It makes sense for whoever did this the last couple of times to do it again, in terms of time efficiency. I can’t quite remember, but was it @Sophie_Beese or @manuelpueyo last time?


My plan was to wait with everything until Mieke was back, but that didn’t work out because we needed to get a couple of things in place because the Facebook event had already been created.

I checked the form today and we have 1 response (somebody who I have corresponded with via email), so I guess this can wait a couple of days.

Putting the ad on is quite straightforward (we have the text in the annex of the manual), but I think it’s easier for people who speak some Dutch (because of the interface).

I called Salle Miro just now, and the date is confirmed.

@reef-recruitment team @mieke I have the printed flyers! Let me know via Signal how you guys want to distribute them :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, I am back and just now reading the messages here. Today I will be online but I’ll be offline again until the 6th of August (I’ll update my absence dates in the right topic right away). To be honest, since I’ll be away for two weeks in September including the date of the public presentation and I didn’t catch up so far with the organisation, it looks more efficient to me if I don’t take the lead of the organisation of this event but I’ll take the lead in the organisation of the next one. Hope you are OK with that.


Oki. I’ll take over then for now, and then I would propose to look for a volunteer at the plenary meeting of 22/08 (unless we find somebody before that).

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