Public presentation 13 September

@reeflings: we are organsing another presentation on 13 September, and we need as much help as we can get to get the word out.

There are two things that you can do:

  1. Help us to promote the event on social media. We have an instagram account, you can post on Twitter, or you can post our event on Facebook

  2. Help us to distribute flyers, in your neighbourhood or in the bars and shops that you visit. If you are not planning to join the training day this Saturday, maybe you can get in touch with Janet or somebody who lives near you to see how you can get a bundle of flyers?

Thanks in advance!


During my visit to the Longue Vue cohousing, Caroline Ganna (Habitat et Participation) suggested that someone from The Reef project should attend the next session on 17 August. There will be 30 people there, so perhaps itā€™s also a way of publicising the project ? What do you think? Hereā€™s the link to register and take part?
17/08 I Programme ƩtƩ BXL - Networking montage projet habitat groupƩ - Habitat GroupƩ Solidaire (


I got an invitation from Samenhuizen, so Iā€™ll be there on the 17th. Anybody willing to join of course warmly welcome.


Iā€™ve also received an invitation from Habitat et Participation - @Lee, I could join you if you consider that useful.


The more the merrier!


I will bring the flyers tomorrow :slight_smile:

@reeflings no one has reached out yet for the flyers. Iā€™m assuming is holiday period. I will bring part of the flyers to Lee so please let us know when you can get some and start distributing them :slight_smile: thanks in advance !
As mentioned above, a kindly reminder to share the invite in social media to your network :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot @Janet!

Quick question: could you please save the login credentials for the Instagram account in our ā€œlogin credentialsā€ folder (internal link)?

We keep a list of all our logins and passwords on Nextcloud so that we are sure not to lose access should somebody be unavailable for some reasons. Many thanks!

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@Sophie_Beese looking at my calendar, I realise that I actually wonā€™t be able to make it. Are you still planning to go, and if yes, shall I send you some flyers via the post?

Yes, Iā€™ll be going. Good idea about the flyers, thanks!

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Done ! I have shared before only with Manuel @manuelpueyo as I didnā€™t know there was a system :slight_smile: but now its there :slight_smile:

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It was indeed due to the hollidays!
Could you bring some flyers to the next plenary??

The stock of flyers is at my place currently. Iā€™ll bring as much as I can carry to the plenary.


Some more inspiration on where to distribute flyers and/or share social media posts:

  • Bars/Coffee places
  • Supermarkets and coops (Farm, Beescoop, local Ateliers)
  • Bookshops
  • Other interesting events like the ones organized by Restless Brussels (
    ā€¦ (please insert here more ideas) :slight_smile:

Thanks Janet!
It helped me thinking of a few things I hadnā€™t!
And we really need to get our flyers into non expat communities too! Not sure how thoughā€¦
Wondering if some cinemas like Palace, Galeries, Vendome, Aventures, etcā€¦ would take flyers??


great ideas,
the shops and business you are client are more prone to get our flyers: dance schools, wine shops.etc.
also would be nice to send an invite to all our institutional contacs in the communes . i will do that with 1000 bxl + citydev


I have taken to putting some scotch in my handbag, and when I a place where they accept posters (the local mini-Carrefour here for example) I just put a little flyer on the board. (I put the tape on the side, so that people can also read the back-side)

I also left some flyers in Jardin Hospice, where hopefully some like-minded souls will find them.


Yes itā€™s a super good idea (not just cause I had the same! )
Can you update the dedicated file?

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20 registrations so far! This is going really well!

@ChrisM can you take over the sending out of the confirmation emails, or ask somebody else to do it? Many thanks!


Will do :slight_smile: