Public presentation 13 September

Hi @reeflings !

We’re 10 days out from our next presentation, and we already have 29 registrations :slight_smile:

It’s time to start thinking about who will be involved in helping out that evening (13/9). There are specific tasks that need doing (before, during and after), which can be found on the ‘Recruitment and Onboarding process’ document here:

We found at the last presentation that the more Reeflings there are the better for the general vibe, so even if you haven’t put yourself down for a specific job, or if you can’t make it for the whole thing, feel free to join…

With regard to the bar, normally it’s some Jupilers stored at Alberto’s place and a couple of bottles of cheap juice from a nearby supermarket. Perhaps we can start going a tentative step further. Would someone be willing to buy some nice bio orange and apple juice (2 bottles of each) and bring them cold on the day? And someone else pick up some Brussels Beer Project beers (12) and also bring them cold on the day? We don’t want to go too crazy with this, but we can also look like we made an effort :slight_smile: (Expenses for this type of thing can be recovered from the Reef.)

With regard to the presentation itself, we spoke at the last plenary about more people being involved, so that Lie isn’t always doing it all on her own. I would be happy to take a small step in that direction, by perhaps doing some of the introduction and the ‘next steps’ bit at the end. And I wondered if it would be good to do the brief intros in French and Dutch by different people at the beginning. @Lee - this is something you have put together yourself, so ultimately your call about making any changes… what do you think?



Hi, Chris ! I will bring 12 organic beers from la Brasserie de la Senne.


Thank you @anon78992831 … that’s perfect :slight_smile:

I can be there and bring the juices :slight_smile:


Guys, I will be less present for this one. I have a conference in Rotterdam, will show up probably for the Q&A. @Lee knows where all the equipment in my office is.

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@alberto - do you still have Jupilers left at your place from the last presentation? And if so, how many?

Thanks Janet!

I think some Jupilers are at Lie’s.

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I have a long day at work, but could be free as of 17:00. Will discuss with Manuel how we can organise ourselves to be all there with Ada. Happy to contribute


I will be there, I am happy to take some parts of the presentation if needed, or any kind or help during the day


There are 12 Jupilers left and they are at my place. They are close to their due date, so we should sell those first before selling any other beers.
I won’t be able to bring the Jupilers to the presentation as I won’t be coming from home, but I’ll see whether I can get them to Alberto’s.

I have a strong preference for keeping things as simple as possible, so for this first try I would propose to stick to two people if that’s ok.


There are 40 (!) people registered for the public presentation tomorrow :slight_smile:


Are we ok with the drinks for 40 ?

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Someone will probably need to do a run to the supermarket while the presentation is happening…

A big thank you to all the @reeflings that helped to make the presentation yesterday a real success! Over 30 people showed up, and there was a lot of interest and questions afterwards :slight_smile:

This evening, those who attended will receive a follow up email with links to our key documents. They will then have a week to fill in the online survey to become an Exploring Member. Could all @reef-full members be prepared to have a one-on-one with at least one prospective household in the coming week or two.

The buddy system manual is almost completed, following the review of the buddy system at the last plenary. @alberto and @Lee - could you please have a look at it to see if I’ve missed anything. Lie - there is a comment and reply directed to you. Alberto - let me know if you think I’ve made it overly prescriptive… I don’t think it is, although there is a lot of info. If there’s anyone else who would like to have a look at it, all feedback welcome :slight_smile:


@ChrisM looks perfect to me! Thanks very much! I answered your questions in the comments, but feel free to ignore it all eh.

One small consideration (speaking from experience :neutral_face:): the downside of copy/pasting some content from one document into another (in this case: from the checklist), is that you need to update the “secondary document” every time there is a change in the “mother document”. In this case I think it’s handy for the buddies to get the list in the manual (also from experience: sometimes too lazy to click on the links :sweat_smile:), but I think it’s equally good to tell them: here’s the link to the checklist, have a look at it. But up to you of course.


Just to let everyone know that we have had 6 households fill in the survey form following the presentation, which means a lot of interesting new people excited to explore the project over the next couple of weeks. Each exploring household will be having a one-on-one with a Full Member soon, and will possibly come to the plenary on the 28th. As most of you will have seen, there is also a social event (brunch) planned at Lie’s place on the 30th. Could everyone please fill in the poll to say whether or not you can make it to that. If there’s not enough members available, we will try and organise an apero early the following week, because we know from past experience that meeting some of the other members socially is often an important factor when people decide to move from Exploring to Associate Member. Thanks!