Public presentation on 2 June

Hello @reeflings,

A quick check-in on the public presentation of the 2nd of June:

  • We have now 22 registrations good for 28 people. I sent them a confirmation email today, including a “save-the-date” for the workshop and the next plenary.
  • If you have some time to spare to give the event a little extra push, that would be most welcome. Putting out some more flyers could be an idea, or else maybe some targeted messages here and there? Or maybe a post on LinkedIn?
  • Given that Manuel and Ugne can’t be there I asked Pieter whether he could give us a hand.

Apart from the targeted messages and the leaflets (yes and yes), I think we could have a bit of visibility by writing a careful post. What I normally do is post here on Edgeryders, then push out the link via Twitter and, in some cases, Linkedin.

I need to look for the inspiration to write. But even if I find it, that will get a lot of pageviews, but most of those will be wasted, because they will come from people who are interested in cohousing, but are not in Brussels!

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I think that’s a good idea. In terms of reach I think a post that goes out internationally is not so different from a flyer: you spread about a 100, if you are lucky 20 get picked up and 2 people sign up. Numbers game.

The idea of LinkdedIn came from Manuel’s suggestion to use the Brulocalis mailing list (the one that should have been in bcc). Looking at the addresses in detail I noticed that most of the addresses are of people working in the administrations of Brussels communes (so not so interesting), but if we have a post on LinkedIn maybe the sender of this email could maybe “like” the post and thus give it a push across her entire network?

I myself have gone on Facebook. I sent two personal messages to people I don’t know but seem to have the network, and I shared the event on 2 groups (Urbanistas and Brussels Connnected). At first glance it seems to be paying off, even if it’s only a few people.

@manuelpueyo: could you please share this group you mentioned that offers sociocracy courses? Do they have some sort of social network account that could help us?

Oh, and if somebody who is more mobile than me would be around or would be looking for a bike ride: I found about a place called Citizens Corner in Schaarbeek. Maybe a good place to leave a poster and some flyers?

I think @manuelpueyo mentioned this at the latest meeting…

yes, that’s exactly it, i will do a few things to help push the event :partying_face:

yes. they have a discord server. i will leave a message there


cool. let me know via signal if you publish on twitter and linkedin and i can RT or share

Which group is it? Is there another way other than Discord to stay informed about what they do?

Will publish on both, but it would work even better if you used your own accounts. The post is here:

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they also have a facebook group

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i just shared on both

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@manuelpueyo: I tried to comment on the Facebook event that you created (saying “it’s coming up soon, don’t forget to register” or something like that), but for some reason I didn’t manage.

Could you please have a look at this?

Also, for the sake of transparency and business continuity, could you please leave the login credentials for the Faceobook account on Nextcloud? This is the place: Reef shared folder > IT > Login credentials. Many thanks!

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Quick update: our registration form got spammed by one or the other bot (21.000 registrations in one afternoon :scream: :scream: :scream:).

When I noticed it I deactivated the form (around 4 pm this afternoon). Now we have a new form in place and the URL has been replaced on the website. The regisrations from the old form are copied to the sheet of the new one. The new form is recognizable by its mention of “2nd of June” (instead of “2 June”).

So all is good again.

I’ll make comment on Facebook tomorrow so people find their way to the form.

@Lee thank you for this!! please note that monday 30 may the current form (linked from the website) is not accepting responses. please have a look and open it again, thank you

Hi Manuel,
I tested it just now and it seems to work just fine. We got 3 new registrations too, so I would think everything is ok.

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hello Lee, i have added you as admin to the facebook page. with facebook is a bit different. i access with my personal account and the person becomes admin of the page. so we cannot share the passwords, just let me know if someone else would like tojoin as admin

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it´ś not working! i tested also with another user,

Hi Manuel,
I don’t know what to tell you. The link works from my computer and apparently also from other people’s computer, as we keep getting new registrations.

This is the link to the new form:

The screenshot you are showing is that to the old form, which got attacked by a bot. Therefore I deactivated it (see post no 17 above). The two forms can be distuinghed by the way the date is written (see also post no 17 above).

I hope this solves the issue. If it wouldn’t, can we please continue the conversation without using exclamation marks? When I see an explanation mark like this, I feel like I’m being yelled at. I highly value serenity when things are tense, and so I would be very grateful if you could take this into account. TIA!

I just changed the link at the bottom of The Reef . Brussels page. Now it works, :slight_smile:

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absolutely. thanks for sharing this insight :slight_smile: i will adapt

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Thanks a lot!