Quantum Light Breath Meditation -

At LOTE3 I would love to share a guided meditation praxis i have discovered last Summer at the community ZEGG

The Quantum Light Breath was created by the late mystic Jeru Kabbal (1930-2000) who used this method in his teachings and workshops all over the world. He was greatly influenced by Vipassana, an ancient form of meditation where one sits in stillness and silence for extended periods of time. Jeru realized that when elements of Vipassana were combined with deep rhythmic and consciously connected breath, it could bring a participant into the recognition of Oneness without having to sit still in silent meditation for hours a day. Jeru used verbal and energetic guidance along with evocative music to lead people into the recognition of the mind’s separate realities and to encourage an experience of the mystery of true presence.

more you can find out here: http://quantumlightbreath.com

For me this meditation is a real inspiring tool to reveal and releases programs and patterns we (un)consciously have and that enables a deep reflection and relaxation. Must admit that it can be pretty shaking :slight_smile:

After the meditation that last for about 1,5 hours (inclusive introduction) I would love to open to share our LOTE3 (meditation) experience over a Potluck breakfast!!! I advise not to eat before the meditation.

Personally I feel very excited to also share thoughts about the relation between activism and spirituality, building collective consciousness and inner and outer peace work.

“No problem can be solved from the consciousness that created it.” - Albert Einstein

Well and good, but how do we move to - and use - a new level of consciousness?

:::: Proposal ::::

Saturday or Sunday:  9 - 11 am

Location: …any ideas? warm, closed space.

extra’s needed: CD player <3  

Please let me know if you are interested :slight_smile:

Will have to choose…

Hello again [oddie pie],

Good to have you on board. Whoa, another session that involves meditation… sounds intriguing. I am already signed up for daily yoga and for [Fotona]'s sound therapy on Saturday, as well as for physical exercising using the Feldenkrais method with [Vidrij Da], also on Saturday.

I don’t know if I will make it but promise to try! The Potluck breakfast sounds great, I think if we schedule them both on Sunday there’s a chance more people show up. What do others think?

By the way, note that also lunches and coffee breaks will be based on putting together our own food, cooked or bought. Nothing pretentious, just a way of eating together and sharing…

I’ve also added your request for a cd player in the wiki we have set up with list of equipments.