Reaching out to communes and other external partners

Hi there @reeflings !
I also have to tag separetly @CaroB and @Adriana as you haven’t yet been added to the group.

As we wil discuss at the plenary tomorow, Team Building is getting organised for the second aspect of scouting: reaching out to external partners, especially communes, to ask whether they know any potential sites.
For this purpose, I’ve prepared 3 documents:

  • a draft email (internal link)
  • a one-pager (internal link) presenting the reef and what we need: this can be attached to the email, but also is purposed to be handed out by itself when we meet somebody
  • a document where we can keep track of the different people we have contacted (internal link). I have already added some potential interesting contacts (not extensive, and not all of them necessarily relevant - I put a ? next to the ones I wasn’t totally sure about)

We are thinking that this is quite a big job, and it won"t be done by just one person. So we need a little outreach squad! Ideally, we would like to contact the communes in french or dutch, so we are mostly looking for native speakers or people fluent in the language.
Who would be interested?
Depending on how many we are, we can do one commune each, or have several people for each commune (if we manage to actually get a meeting, I’m thinking it might be better to go there with 2 people for example…).
I think @anon78992831 has already expressed interest for Anderlecht, and @Julien for Jette; I could either help for Anderlecht as I live there, and/or do Laeken.
For the moment I have only listed the communes that we have scouted, but this might be a process worth doing for other communes as well. Let us know if you have ideas/energy/time for that :slight_smile:


When I contacted Sven Gatz he told me the echevine of spatial ordenning is mostly the person who is in care of this. I guess we could start to contact those persons at first but whe can go further on it in the next meeting of Team Building.


Good thing to know!
What is it in french?

Google Translate says: Aménagement du territoire

And when looking for it on the sites of Jette and Anderlecht I don’t find those exact words, so It won’t be easy. I guess we should ask to the person we contact if (s)he is the right person ? :expressionless:

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I think it’s called “Urbanisme” in Belgium.

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Hi Sarah, I spoke with Els Gossé, Echevin for Dutch culture and education (and vie quartier and many other things😉) at my Boardmeeting of the Elzenhof. She says we should definitely speak with Yves Rouget, responsible for urbanism, as they do not like big real estate investors and thus welcome other initiatives. As I live in Ixelles, happy to plan a meeting/join a meeting with other reeflings. I also think it is a good idea that I sent more info to Els, as a follow up to my conversation with her. I have another meeting this evening unfortunately so let me know how I can help.

Also: meetings at the Elzenhof an be organised quite easily, preferably latest one week before. Duration till max 23 hours (then prefer 22h), and cost 15 euro per meeting, without coffee etc. I have the contact details for the person, so let me know.

Regards, Adriana


Yves Rouyet is this name.

Great news Adriana!
You can surely send the doc above to your contact (it will soon be translated into dutch if you prefer to wait for that…)
If you contact people, please add it to the table with their contact details.
For the meeting, would you think to do it in dutch? In which case it would be good maybe if @Lee could go with you?

One thing that I’m just worried about is whether Ixelles will be in our price range… I guess it’s still worth a shot but I’m not too hopeful I must say…


The documents are translated, I have juste a problem translating “Pluriel et inclusif”. Sarah could you explain me more how you meant “Pluriel” to translate it correctly ?

I also enlarged a little the explaination of what we are looking for.

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thank you ! great idea, i can take care of the city of brussels

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Great @manuelpueyo!
Laeken is part of Brussels city administratively, so we can work together on this!

yeah, that vocab is a bit “imagé”; do you think it works in french? would totally understand if it doesn’t. @anon78992831, @CaroB what do you think?
What I was trying to convey with “pluriel” is the diversity we are trying to achieve (so a bit like “conjugué au pluriel” or “pluraliste”).
And inclusif I mean we are trying to “include” people with vulnerability. So the same as we use “inclusive” in English.
Does it work? Or is it a weird franglism?

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For me it works, my son is in a secondary school in Molenbeek called Plurielle.

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Ok for you if I just use the word “Divers” in dutch ?

For me pluriel and inclusif work in French.
in dutch divers works as well.

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Waw guys, that’s really impressive!

I’ve taken the liberty to make some changes to the Dutch version, mostly editorial. Hope that’s ok.

One idea: maybe we can add hyperlinks? E.g. to Schoonschip, Stekke & Fraas etc?

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Normally I had put them in the french version. Does it not appear?

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Not in the Dutch version, but that should be easy to fix.


Thx @Lee I didn’t see the links


Hi there @reeflings !
A little follow up and clarification on this :slight_smile:
So we are looking for a core team of native/fluent speakers who will contact the different communes in our target area (Jette, Laeken, Anderlecht, Molenbeek). Each person will be responsible for their own commune, and for looking for people to contact (I had started the process of looking for contacts for some communes, but that still needs to be completed).
It would also be good to contact other communes as well. So we would need other people to contact their own commune for example (or another one!). No need to be fluent for this!
I’ve added a sheet in the file with a list of communes so that people can put their name next to the commune they are dealing with. Also remember to put the names and contact details of who you contacted (there is a sheet for each commune in the file).


Thanks a lot Sarah!

Would you be willing to write up say half a page “manual” (instructions on what to do and how), so that everybody can get started without having to scratch their head?

Also: would you have the time to finalise the one-pager? I’m thinking of making the final corrections and saving it as a pdf (so the lay-out is stable).

I worry that the communal administrations will go deaf and absent during the summer break, so it would be really a win if we could start this job as soon as possible.