Reaching out to communes and other external partners

Hi @reeflings

I had a first meeting with the echevine of Jette of empty buildings. She was right when she said that their was nothing in Jette from their list due to the wingspans of our project but there are still a lot of possibilities.

We were the first one to contact here for such project and I was really pleasantly surprised the found her way to our site and the blueprint and read it, it made the presentation so easy, quickly and informal.
I can only thank her for that.

She will put me in contact with close communes of Jette for people of same functions to help us further.

And very important, she will write some “publicity” on facebook to help us find new members and/or connections.

I was really happy to have had that meeting even if she told me in advance they had nothing because it convinced me that this is a good way to go, to have contact, to reach out. So I hope that every one can try to make that personnal contact in their commune.

If you need someone speaking french and dutch and being from Brussels when you meet someone, don’t hesitate to contact me, I always like to do that :blush:


Hi @Lee
It doesn’t seem like rocket science to me but yes I can make a manual!

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Here is the how-to


Hi there!
A little check-in and a little nudge to get this happening soon! We need to send out our requests before the start of the holliday period when people will be out of office!
@manuelpueyo, @anon78992831 : did you get a chance to contact somebody already?
@anon78992831 : I see that you put your name for both anderlecht and molenbeek. Is that ok for you? I was planning on doing molenbeek, let me know if you haven’t done it yet and would like me to take that on.
@reeflings : please go ahead and send out an email to your commune or any other commune! We need to spread the word!
Note: the flemish version of the email still needs a little bit of tweaking, but the french version should be good to go!

Also, for meeting with communes, we need some native/fluent speakers to go along with some less native speakers. Who would be available for this?
I know Julien said he is available for both french and dutch meeting, and that his schedule is pretty flexible so he can do most times.
As for me, I am available for french, on Mondays mainly, and some fridays mornings or afternoons (the easiest is just to contact me to see if I am indeed available and to arrange for a date).
Anybody else?

Thanks every one!


Done for Forest. The common mail is in cc.


Manuel confirmed he did it for 1000 Bruxelles


Hi @Sarah and all, I was just about to send the email and documents to as many communes as possible (that have not been contacted yet) since I have a bit of time today. I just noticed that the size of the plot we are looking for is not the same in the email text (1500m2) and the presentation pdf document to be attached to the email (2500m2 pour les logements et 1000m2 de jardin). Or does it mean the same (1000m2 of garden and 500m2 on the ground for apartments that are built on top of each other)?
Either way it’s a bit confusing for newbies like me/external contacts I suppose. Can you kindly enlighten me :slight_smile: ?
Once I have the info I’ll go ahead with sending the emails, putting the general email address in cc and updating the excel file.
Thank you!

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I’d like a pass for the emails, but I’d be happy to volunteer for meetings in Dutch or in French.

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Hi Lea!
Thanks for pointing this out.
I actually didn’t write the bit in the presentation sheet, somebody must have edited it.
I think the 2500m2 is indeed the overall built surface, so 500-600m2 on the ground potentially… It could be clearer to say "idéalement d’une surface de 1500-2000m2 (plus précisément 2500m2 pour les logements à répartir sur la hauteur constructible et 1000m² de jardin).
I can change it in the document but I will need the translation in Dutch. @Lee or @Julien could you translate it?


I did change the text in the one-pager to make it clear that we look for a 2500m² building on different floors with 900m² of garden.

The building height has a big impact on the groundfloor the building will take in overall.

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I can’t seem to find the corrected documents?


Done! I kept it short and said "it needs to cater for 2500 constructable surface (e.g. 4 x 625 m²) and 1000 m² for the garden.


Thanks everyone :slight_smile: I collected the contact details of the é à l’urbanisme of most of the communes that haven’t beem contacted yet, will send them the email on Sunday so that they are on the top of the pile of inboxes on Monday. I’ll also update the excel sheet to keep track of this.
@Adriana: did you want to contact the échevin à l’urbanisme of Ixelles or do you want me to do it? I read somewhere that you had a contact in Ixelles.


Happy to take that on. Plse let me know what info package you usually send and any other things I need to know.


Thanks all!
All the latest modifications are now in the presentation pdf, so good to go!

You can find the info here: internal link


@alberto : I see you have made contact with the Echevin - Revitalisation des quartiers, but not with the Echevin de l’urbanisme; any particular reason?

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I made contact with someone I know already.

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@Sarah Done

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Ok, great!

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