Reaching out to communes and other external partners

Hi Sarah, i will contact Anderlecht this week.
For the record, friends who work in communal and regional institutions have warned me that the 2024 elections will mean that all new projects will be suspended at the end of December 2023.


We have a newling (Judith) who will reach out to an echevin of Molenbeek, who is a friend of hers. When I know more I’ll let you know.


Hi, i am available for french speaker.


Good return from Anderlecht Mayor:

Bonjour M. Tran,

Grand merci pour votre message… et pour le beau projet que vous souhaitez développer.

Je diffuse autour de moi et dans les services spécialisés pour voir s’ils ont des idées.


Fabrice Cumps


Request for a meeting from Anderlecht Commune (From Nadia Kammachi 7e Échevine Service):
Who is coming with me ?

Cher Monsieur,

Merci pour votre mail et pour ce beau projet. Pour être le plus efficace possible, le mieux serait de rencontrer ma collègue Audrey Dussard, cheffe de cabinet de l’Echevin de l’urbanisme, qui est certainement plus au fait des terrains disponibles sur notre commune.
Bien à vous,


That’s great!!!
I could come but I have limited availability…Do you already have a date?

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No, please propose yours first and i will propose them

That’s great for Anderlecht! I’ll be away for most of July but if there is a meeting happening in August, I can make myself available on Wednesday afternoons and Friday afternoons (except 16/8).

I received replies from St Gilles and Uccle telling me that they don’t know of any available buildings/plots but that they would keep us updated if anything comes up.


@Sarah please propose some of your availabilities, thanks, seb

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I’d like to come with you at the commune of Anderlecht also.
My disponibilities are quite OK, I just leave for holliday around 19/07.


I got an answer from the echevin à l’Urbanisme of Molenbeek, saying that he cannot help as they receive request for projects hence for parcels which are not available*. He also said that Molenbeek wasn’t really into habitats groupés, which is valuable info in itself…
*Side note: if we do another round of emails at some point, or during the meetings with the communes, I wonder if it might be good to hint at the fact that projects for which the permit has been rejected many times (because they would be too crowded, for example) could be a good opportunity for us potentially. At least if we know which ones they are, we could maybe find out who the owner is and do a counter proposal… Could that work?


@Sarah, here’s my update (also in the Excel):

  • The Bouwmeester can’t meet us, but he referred us to Contrat de Quartier Conscience in Ever. I will contact them tomorrow.

  • Luc L. knows about a site in Ever (an elderly care home). He will have further information on 18/07 and will keep us posted.

  • Sabrine from Samenhuizen posted a message on Facebook and included an item in their newsletter.

Should we also contact Habitat & Participation? And if yes, can a French-speaker take care of this?


Hi, still waiting for an answer for a meeting with Audrey Dussard, cheffe de cabinet de l’Echevin de l’urbanisme @ Anderlecht


Ok thanks for the info!

Yes good idea!
I can take care of that!


Hi all!

I am wondering whether it would be a good idea to relaunch an email campaign in September ? As we will have a new presentation on 13/9 it could be a good opportunity to resend an email to the communes who haven’t answered yet, inviting them to join; it will also remind them of our existence as the email might have gone unnoticed pre Holliday’s… What do you think?
It may be a bit early though as the start of the year is often quite busy… @reef-recruitment , any idea if there will be another presentation after this one and if yes, when?


Great idea Sarah, thanks a lot!

I’m pretty sure we will do another presentation after the one in September, but it’s difficult to plan it now. It depends on how many people decide to become Associate Members and - hopefully - also on whether we have bought a site.

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Ok, so I guess better send it early September…


Hi all, I’m happy to send a follow-up email to the people I contacted before the holidays and who havent replied yet, also inviting them to the 13/9 presentation.
I won’t be able to join the plenary tonight, but in case you discuss this as part of the agenda item on scouting, know that I’m available for this.
I could also do it later, but I think most people will be back from their holidays next week (at least from what I can see around me at the city of Brussels)


Thanks for the offer Lea!
Well, then yes, it would be great if you could take care of that!

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Hi all !
I was checking the external contacts file (internal link), here are a few things that I think need to be done:

  • @anon78992831 : there is one last contact mentionned at the end of the anderlecht file, but I don’t know if they have been contacted?
  • @Julien, @Adriana, @manuelpueyo , @Lee : could you respectively send an invitation to the presentation to your different contacts (Ganshoren/Ixelles/Bruxelles/Evere/Brussels2030, etc…) and update the file?
  • @Lea will you update the file when you have sent the new batch of email?
