Recognise the new qualified citizen

The domain of non-formal and informal learning is not encompassing today’s young people’s propensity to learn anything, everywhere, via any medium. The added complexity is brought especially by the digital tools we use; these shape our capabilities and have been argued to act as mind amplifiers, even facets of our human-cyborg nature. New learning contexts and the skills they help grow or enhance - eg critical thinking, divergence, self management, online content curation,… - have yet to be incorporated into recognition schemes valued by educational providers, employers or society at large. This actionable is a public campaign to be driven by institutions, advocating for recognition of (self-taught) competencies gained in highly flexible learning environments. Ideally we would go from the declarative space towards devising metrics to evaluate new learning styles, methods, channels (think p2p learning, bartering knowledge eg Tradeschool in Westminster, other open schools…), and back up the campaign.

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Freedom to live in the rural world … Civil responsibility participatory intervention to resolve rural living conditions under illness, poverty, exclusion… Co-responsibility of the European citizen. Live has close contact with nature. Restrict the pervasiveness in protected areas. To learn to listen to the other senses. Know the remedy to cure the health. Follow the tracks. The gym to raise awareness (control, patience, discipline, agility). Intuition