Research gig

Hello everyone! I am writing here to apply for the ethnography gig.

I am an MA student of Nationalism in the Central European University. As our study program focuses on a topic rather than a discipline, I had an excellent opportunity not only to get engaged in multidisciplinary discussions but to learn, use and explore different research methods, so I am quite familiar with both quantitative and qualitative ways of have fun and explore the social world.

At the moment of writing this I am in Budapest, but I am flying to Georgia on April 7 (and I am super excited about it!) to conduct a research for my MA thesis about Georgian Muslim women in the autonomous republic of Adjara. I am interested in religious and national aspects of their social identity and the narrative that keeps them from converting to Christianity (which is perceved as an integral part of Georgian national identity). I will conduct semi-structured interviews which later will be coded and analyzed with WEFT. To be fair, it will be the first time using this program apart from short practise - but hey, I did it all before, using pen-and-paper method so the basics are pretty clear.

Although my academic career is short, these are some highlights that I am proud of: I participated in prof. Kirk Hawkins (Brigham Young University) research on populism in post-soviet countries, Together with another Lithuanian we coded speeches by Lithuanian leaders and measured their level of populism following K. Hawkins methodology. It was last year - I managed to do this research, to write 7 academic papers, to attend the classes, write articles for Lithuanian media and stay sane.

This spring I am going to present my papers in two international conferences: International symposium on culture and identity in Baku May 26-28 and Nationalist Responses to Economic and Political Crises organised by the Association for Study of Nationalities (ASN) and my university in Budapest June 12-14.

To sum up: I am the person that you probably want! I will be in Georgia for all the time span of the project so if I need to lead a small team of Georgian speakers, I can communicate with them outside of the web;  80 percent of my time I am switched to my academic mindset and workmood (another 20 percent keep the inner journalist alive), I will be using WEFT to deal with my own thesis material, so I can spare few hours daily to work with this project - and yes, I can manage my time (proven by last year experience).

Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile:

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major endorsement!

Just to let all you edgeryders know that I fully endorse, openly and transparently, Inga for this position. Not only because I have known her for several years, but mainly because I know what kind of hardworking, creative and professional woman she is. I wouldn’t support her for this gig if I didn’t think she couldn’t do an amazing job at it! She’s very engaged, very innovative and, most of all, cares a lot about pressing issues. Her writings in the media (pre academic career ;).) have always motivated me myself. So, for her, me and edgeryders, I hope she’ll be the one working with us :).

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Nice to meet you!

Hello, [Inga Popovaite] , great to meet you. This is just to let you know I read your post, thanks so much for applying. I have sent you a Linkedin request for connection – we are 3 degrees apart, so I can’t see your full profile! I will be in touch soon.

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