SciFi-Econ Event Feedback Site

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Sci-Fi Economics Lab

About the lab{style=“border: 1px solid white; color: white; border-radius: 20px; padding: 11px 14px; font-weight: bold; font-size: .9rem;” class=“test”}

Last year science-fiction and economics communities came together to fund the first ever sci-fi economics lab.{class=“text-2xl mt-8 mb-6 md:text-3xl leading-tight md:pr-6 md:mb-4 font-bold”}

We thank you for supporting the crowdfunding campaign. Thanks to your generous contribution, not only did we organise the event itself…we were also encouraged to continue the work.{class=“text-xl md:text-xl md:pr-6 md:mb-4 leading-normal”}


Riyong Kim, Ke’Aun Charles, Abaca Games, Mark Finnern, Märt Põder, Pat Kane, Giuseppe Borsalino, Joeri Gydé, Alorah M. Harman, Joseph DCruz, Jozef Cossey, Michael Morel, Lotte Houwing, Esther Crabbendam, Nik Gaffney, Giulio Bordonaro, Alessio Vasta, Mark Finnern, Jason Cole, Kelly Curtis, Janne Korhonen, Jan Tiedemann, Herman Wagter, Arianna Cecchi, Henri Laupmaa, Gaye Soykok, Barry Wickenden, Kim Cappart, Gallais Georges, Ton Zijlstra, f.sestini, Carsten Schmitt, Eirini Malliaraki, Jason Cole, Cathy Brown, Christopher Harris, ari.wallach, tomelsner, Tamara Foubert,
Francois Julie, Valerie Andrews, Andrew Brook, Simona Montanari, Cristina Varela, Carmen Polcaro, Vittoria Bandini, Paulo Alves, Phillip Procyk{style=“font-size: 16px”}

Matthew Alexander, Paweł Krawczyk, Ramsey Haddad, Sarah Allen, Derek Horstmeyer, lee.hosan, Georgios Georgiadis, Tommaso Dradi, anne currie, Martin Bohle, Carlo Cottica, David Rinaldi, Johannes Ernst, Michelle Greenwood, Ben Gansky, Kira Van den Ende, Jean M Russell, stefano daelli, Alessandra Farabegoli, Graham Boyd, Ilaria Vitellio, nik gaffney, Filippo Barbera, Ida Leone, Neil Reeder, Dana Fell, Mark Hutchinson, nic, Eckhard Stoermer, Leina Mestrovic, Daniel Kaplan, Nicholas Butta, Anders Rune Jensen, Rieki Cordon, Dietmar Pohland, Francesco Mureddu, tex, Matthias Ansorg, David ten Have, Geoff Becker, Phillip Tussing, Hanna Carlsson, Augusto Pirovano, Angelo Di Mambro, barbara.renaux, Ton Zijlstra, joannestruyens{style=“font-size: 16px”}

What next?

Together with the support of EIT Climate kic the work continues in 2020

:earth_africa: Join our worldbuilding academy

The Worldbuilding Academy is a writers’ residency organized by Fondazione di Comunità Messina (FdCM) and Sci-Fi Economics Lab (SF-ECON).

Find out more here

Meet the community & learn about our work

We’re hosting an event on October the 16th where we introduce a new program for people interested in imagining new economy worlds through science fiction.

Apply here

Community conversations

Catch up on the latest discussion. If you’re new, the best way to get started is to write a short introduction post on our platform.

:card_index_dividers: From the archives

On November 19th, the Edgeryders community supported by EIT Climate-KIC organised a major day of debates, workshops and celebrations open to all.{style=“font-weight: bold;”}

Extinction Rebellion joined forces with the Sci-Fi Economics Lab to discuss and create positive progress. Science fiction author Cory Doctorow, economist Tom Bauler, and the CEO of EIT Climate-KIC Kirsten Dunlop discussed how sci-fi and economics can give revamp our ability to rethink our economy. We also met with academics and brainstormed academic articles to be potentially published in 2020.

Live panel discussion with Cory Doctorow, Tom Bauler and Kirsten Dunlop.{style=“color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px”}