Category Topics


Are you new to the Edgeryders Community? Say HELLO and meet others! This is the meeting space and news section of edgeryders’ webhome. Introduce yourself, read updates from the community, find most event announcements (or just subscribe to all events). Happy reading, sharing and connecting!

To get started:

  1. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  2. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  3. Write your personal introduction and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.

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If you are joining Edgeryders because you are only interested in one of our projects you better post in a category of the project to introduce yourself (you can also find the links in the top navigation bar). But if you come in independent of a project, or are unsure where to post, this is your space :slight_smile: So:

  1. First, create a new topic here and let your fellow Edgeryders know a little about yourself. Tell us what you want us to know about you, and what will attract support from other changemakers here.

  2. Second, read what others have shared and leave a comment to offer some useful advice or help – or to just say hello. Just having somebody who listens and asks the right questions can unlock new, interesting thoughts that help us to move forward!



INTERFACED is a three year Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action Project funded by European Research Executive Agency under the project number: 101178268

The full project name is Interfaces for Democratic Participation: Deliberation, Mobilization and Contestation Since the Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Project acronym: INTERFACED
It was published under the call: HORIZON-CL2-2024-DEMOCRACY-01

INTERFACED investigates the diverse forms of political participation that have emerged in response to increasing protest, democratic and scientific mistrust, and societal divisions exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The project aims to reinvigorate democratic governance and empower inclusive citizenship by examining the interfaces between citizens and representative institutions. By analyzing the capacity of these interfaces to include citizens in decision-making, INTERFACED will use a combination of surveys, experiments, and qualitative methods to explore the impact of these forms of participation. The project spans eight European countries and Tunisia, focusing on enhancing citizen-government relations and providing policy recommendations to engage the least advantaged social groups.

Project Duration: 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027

The consortium working on the project is coordinated by the CITY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (CITY) and sees the participation of:



  • Understand political participation post-pandemic: Classify types of non-electoral political participation in eight European countries and Tunisia, assessing how these forms of participation have evolved during the pandemic
  • Analyze participation patterns: Evaluate who participates, why, and how, focusing on intersecting inequalities such as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender. It involves ethnographic observations and surveys
  • Examine political discourses: Investigate how different political actors (e.g., social movements, institutions) discuss participation and address inequalities
  • Evaluate media’s role: Analyze how the media has covered protests and non-electoral participation, assessing its portrayal of disadvantaged groups
  • Investigate digital participation: Examine online platforms, including social media, and their role in facilitating non-electoral political participation
  • Institutional Impact: Explore how these participation interfaces feed into institutional decision-making, particularly in relation to policymaking and trust in democratic institutions
  • Policy proposals: Develop policies to enhance relations between citizens and democratic governments, especially for disadvantaged groups, and mitigate the negative impacts of the pandemic on democratic trust

Edgeryders’ role

Edgeryders is hosting a community-driven online forum to explore the political participation of disadvantaged and disengaged citizens, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
We aim to gather insights on the challenges faced by marginalized groups, including youth, and evaluate how various participation interfaces work across different political contexts in Europe and Tunisia. Through participant interactions and ethnographic methods, we seek to deepen our understanding of political participation trends and identify ways to strengthen citizens’ engagement with democratic institutions.

How to participate

  1. Read the rules of engagement and the social contract here
  2. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!
  3. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.
  4. Write your story and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”



Welcome to Witness - an open-source fictional world. This world is different from other fictional worlds, in that it pays a lot of attention to its economies, and makes its economies radically different from the one we live in. The culture of the Witness has passed through several stages and varies between its distrikts.

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Witness is the most populous seasteading megacity on record. Initially developed under Project Viking (which gave birth to other noted cities such as Byzantium and Vivarium), Witness grew far beyond its original physical and legal bounds, and today is considered the cultural, financial and media capital of the post-Sundering world. Doubly so since it both anchors itself to semi-stable landmasses and produces new ones of its own: it is therefore a navigational landmark in this post-climate-change reality.

Whereas most other Project Viking cities operate as a single territory overseen by a single government and State Machine, Witness operates as a collection of interdependent Distrikts that function de facto as city-states in their own right. Each city-state is an implementation of a particular set of economic, philosophical and moral social contracts, although some aethnographers have pointed out the phenomenon of boundary bleed (which is almost unseen in other cities).

Between the Distrikts runs the Migrant Train, a zero-cost solution for citizens who wish to live under a different social contract. While the State Machine of Witness is de jure overseer of all territories, in reality it manages only portions of infrastructure, guides multi-distrikt disaster response, and policing in instances where inter-Distrikt conflict seems imminent.


The Reef

The Reef co-housing project in Brussels, Belgium. Use this space for anything related to it. We are keeping it open on the web as a public space. Remember not to post anything that you are not comfortable with being public information.

The logo image is based on the Noun Project’s Starfish, acquired via a Single Purchase Pro License by @alberto in March 2022.



EarthOS is Edgeryders’ environment unit. Our goal is to create a community of innovators around ecological living, ecosystem restoration and esp. climate change amelioration and adaptation.

This category contains the unit’s projects, as well as other discussions related to the environment and climate.

To get started:

  1. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  2. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  3. Write your personal introduction and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.

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If you are joining Edgeryders because you are interested in one of our projects (like Edgeryders Festival, OpenVillage, Research Network, Participio), you better post in a category of the project to introduce yourself (you can also find the links in the top navigation bar). But if you come in independent of a project, or are unsure where to post, this is your space :slight_smile: So:

  1. First, create a new topic here and let your fellow Edgeryders know a little about yourself. Tell us what you want us to know about you, and what will attract support from other changemakers here.

  2. Second, read what others have shared and leave a comment to offer some useful advice or help – or to just say hello. Just having somebody who listens and asks the right questions can unlock new, interesting thoughts that help us to move forward!


Research Network

The Research Network is a business unit in the Edgeryders company, organised as a network. We collaborate and support each other on research projects, some of them led by Edgeryders itself.

To participate in the forum, write a short introduction about yourself and your research-related interests:

  1. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  2. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  3. Write your personal introduction and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.



At Edgeryders we don’t just rely on distributed and remote work, it’s how we started working together and how many of us got to know each other.

Every day, small teams from different countries join each other on our platform to achieve things we could only dream of doing in person.



TREASURE (leading the TRansition of the European Automotive SUpply chain towards a circulaR futurE) is a 3-year Research and Innovation Action co-funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme willing to offer new opportunities for testing innovative technologies to make the automotive sector more circular.

As the automotive industry navigates the complexities of a rapidly evolving technological landscape and heightened environmental concerns, the need for a paradigm shift towards sustainable practices has become increasingly evident. By addressing the existing knowledge gap and empowering industry stakeholders to make informed decisions, TREASURE aims to revolutionize the industry, fostering a future characterized by efficiency, environmental responsibility, and sustainable growth.

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  • Guaranteeing a sustainable use of raw materials in the automotive sector, by reducing material supply risks
  • Adopting in practice the circular economy paradigm in the automotive sector, by acting as demonstrators for the manufacturing sector
  • Offering better vehicle-related economic, environmental and social performances to all the end users
  • Creating new supply chains around End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs), by focusing on a circular exploitation of raw materials embedded into cars

Edgeryders’ role

Edgeryders is creating a community-driven model of addressing social aspects related with circular design practices. We want to develop new knowledge on how circular economy plays out in society, economy and everyday life, the points of view of the people directly affected by circular economy.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003587

How to participate

  1. Read the rules of engagement and the social contract here

  2. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  3. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  4. Write your story and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.


Internet of Humans

Welcome to the Internet of Humans conversations where we, as part of the NGI - Next Generation Internet - ask, and see if we can collectively answer, crucial questions. We want you to be part of it.

What should the Internet - and all it encompasses, which means pretty much everything - really do for humanity? How should it work? How should it be governed?

How we and everyone we know can participate:

  1. Sign up here to join our community.

  2. Tell us about you: What is a burning question that drives your work? How did you get started and what hurdles have you met along the way? Which doubts do you have about the work you are doing and the path forward? What kind of support would you like to offer others traveling a similar path?

We look forward to meeting you and talking to you!

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Practical advice

The comment threads in the topics are “nested,” which means you should choose to reply to a specific comment in most cases (the ‘reply’ at the bottom right of the comment), rather than reply to the whole topic (the blue ‘reply’ button at the bottom of the topic).

To start a new topic, select the subcategory that is most appropriate from the dropdown menu below where you enter a title. For example, if it is your own story, then Tell Us About You is the correct location. But don’t start a new topic when it is better to continue a current conversation. Topic clutter can become a problem…

About the project

This conversation is part of a Horizon 2020 funded Coordination Action under the official name NGI Forward. The project focuses on building a coherent vision for the Next Generation Internet. The community research is hosted on Edgeryders, an online community of 5000 people in more than 80 countries who share experiences. By sharing experiences with one another we turn our collective knowledge into useful advice to make better decisions for ourselves and our families in the near future. As a consequence of getting to know people from around the world, we connect one another to important information, new ideas and new opportunities.

The research analysis considers content collected through, subject to online ethnographic analysis and semantic social network analysis.

Beyond the research project, we are a community: We use the tools offered by this platform to help connect people with mutual interests, concerns and complimentary skills. The online conversation runs in parallel with events all over Europe to meet and share constructive approaches. Anyone is welcome to participate, either in English or in their native language.

The project is funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number 825652 from 2019-2021.

This conversation is hosted by Edgeryders OÜ, in partnership with: Aarhus University (Denmark), University of Warsaw (Poland), Resonance Design (Netherlands), Nesta (United Kingdom), Nesta Italia (Italy) and the City of Amsterdam (Netherlands).


NGI Forward is a part of the NGI Initiative


Wellbeing in Europe

Wellbeing in Europe is part of a research project where EdgeRyders aims to build a community to help one another to navigate the changes that are happening in Europe. How are we building good lives against a backdrop of massive social, economic, political challenges? How are we creating opportunities for ourselves and where can we support one another better? In work, health, family, community life.

Welcome on board! Are you participating in the discussions? The team has designed a Social Contract to manage expectations and ensure that everyone can feel confident and safe in the platform space. Please read it carefully!


Documentation & Support

How to use our website, be part of our community and collaborate with our company.

Your question is not answered? Just ask in the documentation topic where it should be answered. We’ll then improve the documentation wiki for you.

To get started:

  1. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  2. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  3. Write your personal introduction and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.


Knowledge Collection

The collective memory of the Edgeryders Community – all the useful content from completed projects and events is here. (You can still comment, just not start new topics.)

When a project or event ends, we sort all still relevant topics into this category, or reuse it for current projects. Topics with organizational tasks and discussions go to the “Workspaces” category instead. (See all content of a project together under its project-{name} tag.)



Here we organize many of our activities: events, company projects, community initiatives and developing our software. Only for organizational content – all useful project results are in other categories. (You can find all content of a project together under its project-{name} tag.)

Note: Some workspaces belong to finished projects, marked in gray. You can still comment there, but no longer create topics.

To get started:

  1. Create an Edgeryders account by signing up here!

  2. Click on the + New Topic button below to open a new rich text editor.

  3. Write your personal introduction and click on the + Create Topic button to submit it.

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If you are joining Edgeryders because you are interested in one of our projects (like Edgeryders Festival, OpenVillage, Research Network, Participio), you better post in a category of the project to introduce yourself (you can also find the links in the top navigation bar). But if you come in independent of a project, or are unsure where to post, this is your space :slight_smile: So:

  1. First, create a new topic here and let your fellow Edgeryders know a little about yourself. Tell us what you want us to know about you, and what will attract support from other changemakers here.

  2. Second, read what others have shared and leave a comment to offer some useful advice or help – or to just say hello. Just having somebody who listens and asks the right questions can unlock new, interesting thoughts that help us to move forward!


The Collective Intelligence Company

Collaboration is the superpower of the human species. We help your organization to harness the power of collective intelligence for wiser, more effective ways to work together and make decisions.