SciFi Econ Lab - Facebook ads text copy

To bring SciFi Econ Lab in front of as many eyeballs as possible, we need the help of our frenemy, Facebook.

Here are some copy ideas for an ad campaign that is set to be launched to Brussels and surrounding cities, adjust and amend as necessary:

Ad #1: Target audience is people who already are familiar with ER

Today’s economy has lost the radicalism of Marx and Keynes, the audacity of the Fourier, Owens and Olivetti.

To create a new economy, that will contribute to a more humane, green and fair world; we’re inviting science fiction writers to Brussels on November 11th to bring ideas from their ‘fictional economies’ to life, so together we can create a new economy.

To make this happen, we started a crowdfunding campaign where everyone can get involved in creating a new economy (and those who cannot join us in Brussels, there will be live-stream available!):

Ad #2: Target audience is Cory Doctorow fans

“We’re not doing nations anymore. We’re doing people, doing stuff. Nations mean governments, passports, borders.”

Cory Doctorow is coming to Brussels on November 11th as a guest at Sci-Fi Economics Lab, a unique conference that marries science-fiction and economy.

Sci-fi Economics Lab has one goal: to produce a new, viable economic system for a more fair, humane and greener world.

Join by getting involved with our crowdfunding campaign:

Ad 3: (a combination of the two above)

For the past hundred years, the economy goes around in a circle: recession, growth, recession, ...

To stop this cycle, we need a radically new economy. To set the foundations of the new economy, sci-fi authors such as Cory Doctorow, and top-economists are coming to Brussels for a unique conference that will have an end product: creating a new economy.

You can get involved as well by joining our crowdfunding campaign:

Add your thoughts ASAP, so we can launch this! :slight_smile:

@nadia @inge @noemi @alberto @augusto @ilaria @cbrzostowski

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Here’s my proofread version:

Ad #1: Target audience is people who already are familiar with ER

Today’s economy has lost the radicalism of Marx and Keynes, and the audacity of the Fourier, Owens and Olivetti.

To create a new economy that will contribute to a more humane, greener and fairer world, we’re inviting science fiction writers to Brussels on November 11th to bring ideas from their ‘fictional economies’ to life so together we can create a new economy.

To make this happen, we started a crowdfunding campaign where everyone can get involved in creating a new economy (and for those who cannot join us in Brussels, there will be a livestream available!):

Ad #2: Target audience is Cory Doctorow fans

“We’re not doing nations anymore. We’re doing people, doing stuff. Nations mean governments, passports, borders.”

Cory Doctorow is coming to Brussels on November 11th as a guest at Sci-Fi Economics Lab, a unique conference that marries science fiction and economy.

Sci-Fi Economics Lab has one goal: to produce a new, viable economic system for a fairer, more humane and greener world.

Join by getting involved with our crowdfunding campaign:

Ad 3: (a combination of the two above)

For the past hundred years, the economy goes around in a circle: recession, growth, recession…

To stop this cycle, we need a radically new economy. To set the foundations of the new economy, sci-fi authors, such as Cory Doctorow, and top economists are coming to Brussels for a unique conference that will have an end product: creating a new economy.

You can get involved as well by joining our crowdfunding campaign:

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Can we get some translations of the above in Dutch?

Specifically, these parts:

Cory Doctorow is coming to Brussels on November 11th as a guest at Sci-Fi Economics Lab, a unique conference that marries science fiction and economy.

Sci-Fi Economics Lab has one goal: to produce a new, viable economic system for a fairer, more humane and greener world.

Sci-fi authors, such as Cory Doctorow, and top economists are coming to Brussels for a unique conference that will have an end product: creating a new economy.

Today’s economy has lost the radicalism of Marx and Keynes, and the audacity of the Fourier, Owens and Olivetti.

Join by getting involved with our crowdfunding campaign

The best we can do at this point is to ask the Dutch/Flemish speakers of which @thomas_goorden is the first that comes to mind…