Scouting exercise

Great Julien, happy to help on this if needed, Sébastien


I had finally some time to spend on the scouting coordination this weekend due to circumstances.

I have make a how-to file, a following up file, a evaluation file and a new scouting fiche.

They will all have to be adapted after I have had a meeting with the architects but I think it gives a strong base.

I’m not sure we have to keep the wiki post about the scouting, I think we better but a link to those files in a onboarding manual or something similar. But we can discuss this later on.

The files are on Nextcloud : Scouting coordination - Files - Nextcloud (

I suppose we will have to restructure the rest of the folders and files but let’s do this once those files are final

I think it would be good the have a meeting about those files with the @reef-building team to present them on next plenary. What do you think? (I have to admit I prefer to meet in real for those type of meetings if everybody agrees)

For information, I’ve done nothing about contacting the communes for so far.


Very impressive work, @Julien, thank you!
Did you have time to set up a document with your questions for the architects or should I mainly ask about meeting them to discuss the scouting exercise?
@reef-building what about our meeting on 25/05 (let’s keep this one online and see if we can make the next one in person) - who would be available say around 20h30 for an hour?


@Sophie_Beese I prefer to have a meeting with the architects, I didn’t write down my questions and often I have new questions based on their answers :smiley:

This thursday I prefer to do it online if possible, I have the kids.
20h30 would be good because then the kids should be in bed, I said should :slight_smile:

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I have Ada as well that night, but could stay from 20h30 to 21h15 if it’s online

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Hi team building, works for me online at 20h30, seb

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Hey @reef-building, great, that’s at least 4 of us :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, our recovered agenda and minutes files also seems to be corrupted but I guess the agenda is very simple:

  1. confirming team of scouting excercise coordinator(s)
  2. scouting excercise (Julien’s documents)
  3. outreach activity (Sarah’s documents (and CityDev))

Anything else you would like to discuss? See you on Thursday :slight_smile:

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Dear all, I´ll try to join but I can´t promise I will. I´m quite busy this week with a number of things, please go ahead with the meeting.

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Who makes the zoom-link ? Or making the nextcloud calender item?

The meeting (with a zoom link) is already in the Nextcloud calendar.

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Waw @Julien! That is absolutely mind blowing! Thanks so much for taking this on!

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Hi, i am lost and could not find the zoom link for this evening, thanks for your help, seb

here is the link. it’s on the nextcloud calendar


Sorry still lost with the link

Hey @reef-building, as just agreed at our (very nice) meeting, we are looking for peer reviewers for the files that Julien created (Scouting coordination - Files - Nextcloud ( mainly the “how to” file and - time permitting - the model fiche. Any volunteers? :slight_smile:

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:raised_back_of_hand:i could eventually volunteer to that , even if i am not officialy team building

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Hey @reef-building and more specifically @Julien and @anon78992831, we have just received a reply from the architects: “nous pourrions nous voir ce jeudi quand vous le souhaitez ou ce vendredi en matinée (nous devons partir à 12h00).
ou si mieux après le 13, faites-nous des propositions, nous sommes encore très dispos.” What works best for everyone? [poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=7 public=true chartType=bar]

    • Thursday morning
    • Thursday lunch
    • Thursday afternoon
    • Thursday after work
    • Friday morning
    • After the 13th
    • I won’t join

0 voters

Those days are difficult for me, I go to the commune of Jette Thursday afternoon and I have a meeting before with colleges at work.
Fryday afternoon it is teambuilding of the company I work for in Maasmechelen and in the morning I need to go to the hospital :expressionless:

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Hi team, difficult also, i work on thursday and fly away on friday morning, sorry, seb

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Hey @reef-building, let’s meet the architects after the 13th then - @Julien and @anon78992831 do you want to suggest a few dates that you are available on (or create a little poll)? Thanks.