Scouting exercise

  • 14/06 - Morning
  • 14/06 - Afternoon
  • 16/06 - Morning
  • 19/06 - Morning
  • 19/06 - Afternoon
  • 20/06 - Morning
  • 20/06 - Afternoon

0 voters

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Hey guys,

I don’t want to intervene in how you get organised, and at the same time it is very important to me that we finish every possible detail of the scouting exercise before the plenary meeting of 21/06.

I sympathise with trying to involve as many people as possible in meetings, but from experience we know that this significantly delays their planning (the more people, the less availabilities in the near future), which adds up quite a bit in the longer term. This is one of the reasons why in The Reef we attach so much importance to documenting / writing up comprehensive minutes, because this way everybody can stay informed about meetings they missed out on.

Would you be willing to consider to plan the meeting with the people who are really needed and are available in the short term?

Hey @anon78992831 could you please fill in the poll so that I can suggest a (few) date(s) to the architects? Thank you and have a lovely holiday :slight_smile:

Hey @Lee, that’s what we’ve been trying to do by making sure that at least @Julien and @anon78992831 as scouting coordinators are available (everybody else from @reef-building would only be joining as an “extra”).


Hey @reef-building, as we have a plenary coming up next Wednesday, I wanted to check in with you, especially @Julien and @Sarah to see what we could present.
@Julien - would you be willing to share and present your scouting documents?
@Sarah - would you be willing to say a few words about the outreach activities?
I guess it’d be a good opportunity to remind people to go scouting and contact “their” commune :slight_smile:

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Yes no pb :slight_smile:

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Hey, I won’t be there for this plenary. Until the 5th of july I have climbing lessons from 18.30 until 21.00 so it’s not possible.
In gross the documents I made are a first draft. The how-to is probably to large and was suppossed to regroup everything I thought about that day.
The How-to wil probably be splitted in different parts more organised for the different “tasks” (f.ex. Scouter, Scouting coordination, Architects, …)
This will happen once we’ve had a meeting with the architects after 13/6 when Sebastien will be back of Canada.

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Meeting the architects
  • 13/06 morning
  • 13/06 lunch
  • 13/06 afternoon
  • 13/06 after work
  • 14/06 morning
  • 14/06 lunch
  • 14/06 afternoon
  • 14/06 after work
  • 15/06 morning
  • 15/06 lunch
  • 15/06 afternoon
  • 15/06 after work
  • 16/06 morning
  • 16/06 lunch
  • 16/06 afternoon
  • 16/06 after work
  • online most days/times
  • I won’t join

0 voters

Hey @reef-building please fill in this poll by Monday morning - fingers crossed that we’ll find a slot where say 3 people can make it :slight_smile:
Have a good weekend everyone,

Hey @reef-building and more specifically @Julien (no news for you) and @anon78992831, we have a meeting with the architects this Friday (16/06) at 12.30 at their office in Forest :slight_smile:
Ping @Lee and @alberto in case they would like to join.


Hello @reef-building,

A friend of my fathers, who has been guide at Brukselbinnenstebuiten for a very long time, has been so kind to make special maps for us. The maps indicate zones that can be especially interesting. The numbers on the map correspond to a short explanatory text in the Word document with the same name. It’s in Dutch, but should be easy to machine-translate. Especially the north-west part seems interesting to me. I saved everything in the Scouting exercise > Maps folder (here)

Another bit of hopeful news comes from Judith, who is my buddy and currently exploring The Reef. She told me about several parks that are going to be created in several places that could be of interest to us. She said that she was gonna make a map for us. Will keep you posted.


@Julien and @anon78992831: I had a close look at the scouting strategy documents. They look really great! Thanks so much!

Here’s a couple of points of feedback:

  • What is missing for me, is information for scouters about what it is we are actually looking for. In the fiche that we received from the architects, there was some text in the template, at the bottom, in small letters, saying stuff like how many square meters, don’t pay too much attention to the price etc … My experience is that many people don’t have a clear idea of what actually constitutes a good candidate site, so I think it would be good to add it somewhere. Maybe it can be a short section in the “how to scout” document?

  • In the how to scout document I inserted a couple of comments with a request to add a link on Nextcloud to the document that is referred to, so that we don’t all need to go look for it. I also kindly requested to not introduce the use of emails (in section 3.1), because this is not in line with our working methods (it lacks transparency and easily leads to chaos).

  • Minor point: in document no 3, the scouting template, are you sure you don’t want to request input from the scouters in section 2 (on the criteria)? Issues like “lively neighbourhood” or “safe for cyclists” may be easier to judge by somebody who has been there?

Thanks again for all the work!

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@Lee Thanks for your follow-up, I do appreciate it.

  1. I added the links.

  2. I added the picture for the follow-up toolbars

  3. I agree for more precision on what to look for, I just sended a mail to Stekke + Fraas for some info to add. I hope to have it today and update the file before the plenary.

  4. I agree with the input by the scouters in section 2. You can decide at the plenary which one to fill in and make them bold.

  5. For the email question: Discuss it at the plenary the way is bests en works for all and update the file with it, no problem.


Thanks a lot @Julien, much appreciated!

I’d be happy to discuss it on the side, but I would object to deviating from the working methods that our group has decided to use if there is no immediate need for it . “Doer decides” is a fantastic principle, but it can only works in so far it is aligned with our working methods and the interest of the group, which in this case is transparency, business continuity and simplicity. Let’s have a chat about it later!

@Lee I do agree, I just don’t know the better working method for it, so I follow the expertise and choice of the group :blush:

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Thanks, and apologies for being so strong about this.

I am aware there is a lot to take in terms of working methods, and what we do and why. Team Recruitment & Onboarding is currently working on a set of manuals, which we’ll hopefully be able to share soon. In the meanwhile: please bear with us and don’t hesitate to ask any question that comes up.

You don’t need to apolagize, I completely understand :wink:

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Thanks @Julien, I really appreciate it! :heart:

Update after the plenary (see also the minutes): we agreed to a slight change on how to chose the zones. I hope to be able to save the scan of the map by Saturday at the latest.

For info: I resolved the comments that are solved in the “how to scout” document and I made some further little changes based on what was agreed at the plenary.

@anon78992831: I’d be happy to scan the map of course, but on second thought I was wondering whether it is not more efficient if you (or somebody else) keeps a copy of the “mother map” on which the scouted zones are manually highlighted. And then if somebody asks “where should we scout” you send them a picture of part of the mother map?

Hello Lee,
I’ve agreed that the scouting coodinators should keep an HD scan of the motherboard so that we can accentuate the grid and take care of distributing the zones as we go along. Have a good meeting this evening!

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apologies I was not present in the plenary meeting so my questions could be redundant:

could we start filling our fiche according to the new instructions. ? if yes where could we find the new fiche template? thanks for the great work everyone!

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