Scouting exercise

Hi Manuel, I’ll put the FICHE at Team Building/Scouting Exercice

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@anon78992831, I am very busy with other stuff for The Reef, so instead of scanning the map, I took a picture of it (saved in the Scouting Coordination folder). If needed, I can make a scan on Tuesday when I go to work.

Can you please have a look to see whether you can work with this, and then we discuss tomorrow?

If I were in your shoes, I would get a paper copy (they cost 2 euro, The Reef can pay for it) and highlight the streets that have been scouted manually, but it’s up to you of course.

An IT tool that is very practical for taking snapshots is the “Snipping Tool” (in Windows). Combined with Signal (which can be installed on a computer), this should make it possible to quickly send people a copy of the zone they should scout?

To be clear: this is a “doer decide” thingy, so as long as we get to an efficient and transparent system, it’s for you to decide how you want to do it in practice.

@reef-building, document no 3, the scouting fiche, seems to have disappeared from the “scouting coordination” folder (it is now in “OLD”). Can you please have a look at what happened and put something back?


Hi, i put yesterday The New Scouting Fiche Template @ Scouting Exercice and the former one @ Scouting Coordination / OLD.
Hope it works,

Hi @anon78992831,

It’s not fully clear to me. So in the folder “scouting coordination”, which has the files that are numbered from 1 to 6, the document with no 3 (scouting fiche template) has disappeared. Can you please the new fiche in that folder and make sure that in the document no 1 the link to the scouting fiche template is the correct one?

Many thanks!

Hello @Julien and @anon78992831,
Ping @Sophie_Beese,

I have prepared a message to be shared on the platform to officially kick off the scouting exercise. The idea is to remind everybody of the importance of contributing to it, and also to quickly repeat the different steps that need to be undertaken.

Can you please help me to finalise it?

It is saved here:

Things I need help with:

  • Step 1: who to contact to find a scouting zone
  • Step 2: correct link to the scouting template
  • Step 4: folder (to be created) where people can save their picture of the map that they just scouted
  • Step 4: folder (to be created?) where people can save the templates they filled in

While doing that, I realised that there may be a couple of things that need further clarification in the document number 1 “Scouting exercise - how to scout”. Can you please help with this?

  • Section 1 would need an overhaul in line with steps 1 and 2 in my message (which is what we agreed at the plenary)
  • In Section 2 my suggestion is to move the information on the Cadgis etc to Section 3
  • In Section 3 my suggestion would also be to add a link to the scouting template (and remind people they should copy it before filling it in) and to Sébastien’s presentation.

Thanks in advance & happy to discuss!


Hi Lee, I think a good scan will be more effective in high definition because we’ll have to zoom in to distribute the zones you need to scout.

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@Lee, I see the scouting fiche in the folder

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I’ll scan it tomorrow. The picture works on a computer screen though, should it be needed.

I swear to god it had disappeared :smiley:

@Julien: different topic, I contacted and this is their reply:

Ik bekijk eens waar we dit visje zouden kunnen lanceren. Het kan zeker ook via onze zoekertjes website, maar dat doe je beter zelf omwille van de intro.

Verder denk ik nu meteen aan waarop soms plots een interessante site passeert., is ook zo eentje.

=> Can you please take care that this info is taken up in the “immoweb screening task”? For now Ryan is the only candidate for that task, so don’t hesitate to reach out to him and get the stuff started.

Those 2 sites are just well made, amazing. It would be nice if something for The Reef gets on it :heart_eyes:

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Ping @Sophie_Beese (for the sake of transparency): Julien, Sébastien and I are having a quick online meeting tonight at 17:30 to finalise the scouting documents. Feel free to join us, but feel of course equally free skip it. On another topic: can we please have a quick bilateral on the next steps? I have already made some notes in our usual file. Cheers!


Hey @Lee, I’m visiting my parents at the moment so I won’t be able to join. Back in Brussels and with the Reef as of Saturday. Thanks for all your efforts!

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