Scouting the streets of Brussels: let's do this!

@mieke I did scout 10a with Manuel allready

@Lee The link to the availabilities sends me to the presentation. Can you correct this?

@Lee Sorry but Sebastien’s presentation link is not working. Thanks

Just fixed both.


@anon78992831 @Lee Sorry none of the links work for me, do I need a specific browser or credentials? Victor and I can offer to scout the Schaaerbeek area in July and Foret area in August.

@Janet if you are logged into Nextcloud the links should work. If it still doesn’t, best to contact Team IT, here: Team IT questions and updates - #55 by Sophie_B

hey! this is manuel from team IT let me know if you have an issue with opening the links. you need to be logged in to your nextcloud account. hope it works

Hello @reeflings,

Just a quick reminder that for the moment this is really our one and only priority task. A :heart: to acknowledge that you read the post is always appreciated, as it creates a feeling of support and connection.

Please regularly fill in the sheet with your availabilities, and proactively contact the Reeflings with the same availabilities, to see whether you can go scouting together. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sébastien or Julien.

Thanks all for your help!


Hey @reeflings, it’s the summer (holiday) period, the weather is (generally) nice and the evenings are still long, so why not make use of this time to scout the streets of Brussels and find a lovely site for the Reef :slight_smile:
Please regularly fill in the file with your availabilities and find a buddy for scouting, with the added benefit of meeting other Reeflings and discovering different parts of Brussels. With the new (smaller) zones it will only take 2 hours or so, so there is plenty of time for a coffee before or after the hunt :wink: If you have a prefered zone, Sébastien will be happy to attribute a corresponding square.
Thanks a lot everyone!


Thanks @Sophie_Beese ! So I just uploaded the Fiches of 2 places and here’s the highlighted complete map here Nextcloud. We are ready to scout another zone :slight_smile: I updated also our availability for next Friday. cc @anon78992831 Let us know if that is ok or if additional info. is needed.


Hi all @reeflings, don’t forget to fill in you availabitilies to scout and ask Sebastien which zone you can do :wink:

Link to file:



Same message as above, don’t forget to scout ! :slight_smile:



Availabilities document update with days for september and october :wink:


I have just added a copy of our map to the presentation for this Wednesday.

My conclusion: we are making good progress, but much remains to be done, and this works best if everybody puts in their fair share. So please, grab every chance to fill in the availabilities sheet and find a buddy to do some scouting!



Hi Lee, if time permitted, please use the last updated mother map with a lot of zones scouted this last days

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Hi Sebastian,

Which areas still need to be scouted? I should have some time next weekend to go.


Ping @anon78992831

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@RyanB Here is a zone to scout if ok for you, enjoy ! (Streets in red have already been scouted)

Great, I will do this area tomorrow afternoon, thanks!

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@anon78992831 I scouted the area this weekend. It was a residential area and after using CadGIS, all the sites I found are below or above the established criteria. One area looked interesting but it was 4000 square meters. Should I disregard these or fill in a fiche anyways for consideration?