Searching for sites online

@anon78992831, just to flag: the site you revied in fiche AND-22-Demosthene 31.d popped up online for sale as well. But for a price of 5,980,000 EUR (current fiche says 5,000,000). See online ad here.


Hello @reef-building, following our online search meeting today, I would like to enquire what the reasoning was for putting Régie des Bâtiments | Le gestionnaire immobilier de l’État fédéral in the xls? I looked at it several times now, it seems to be a website where they present ongoing renovation projects of public buildings / also buildings that are “classés”. Nothing that seems to help us in any way?
Would be glad to learn more about that.



I uploaded a fiche for a site at Rue Duysburgh 26, in Jette. But at the end I found out it is right in the middle of a medium to high-risk flood zone, so I imagine you can move this straight to discarded fiches?

Thanks justin, i suggest that sb of team building does the necessary, better to have this one (even in flood zone) be logged in our ‘sites overview excel’, if in a later stage we would modify the criteria. we will then probably move to the discarded folder…

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Indeed, no need to create a fiche for a medium to high-risk flood zone (I don’t think our criteria will ever shift that much).


Hi @reef-building,

As i think there are more urgent matters to discuss in team building meetings, i communicate via this channel to inform you about the online searching…

  • We’ve been doing the online searching for about a month now and I think it’s working well. Big thanks to Justin and Angelika and me :slight_smile:
  • I am talking up the role as coordinator/link with team building so if you have any questions/remarks, let me know
  • Like I said we are doing the online searching for a month now and the conclusions we had last friday:
    – not many fiches are made (and are mainly the result of 2 sites: immovlan and immoweb): 9 fiches of which 3 were doubles in the end, and 2 were discarded immediately (1 was in flood zone, and 1 was protected/not a big enough garden)
    – for almost half of the sites we were able to define search criteria, with mails arriving in the online mail box. (this is less work intensive)
    – Some sites don’t really work and/or the set searches cannot by defined narrow enough giving too many useless results
  • Angelika contacted Miss Miyagi. They recontacted us and asked for our search criteria, so now they are aware of us and what we look for.
  • In the beginning we checked the online mailbox once a day but as fiches from the online searching follow the same process at the scouting fiches (which means being reviewed after a week or so) we changed this frequency to a couple of times a week. For me/us we do not need to change the process for scoring/handling the online fiches, but if any of you should disagree, bring it up in a team building or via this thread…

@Caro : could you maybe answer Angelika’s question and share your opinion whether it is usefull to continue to check this site? Thanks

Hi Angelika, from my point of view, this site only deals with public projects and launches public contracts that we have nothing to do with. Bonne semaine, Seb


We put it originally because we thought they put some of their properties for sale sometimes, which I thought were in this page:
But maybe there is nothing relevant?


That i did not know, so may be good to keep…


Hi @Angelika !
The Regie des Bâtiments is a public actor developping public housing (mainly social or affordable).
As I heard from Sarah some sites are reputed as their property, to be checked.
I asked a colleague this week to obtain a contact there, I should recieve it soon and then we will be able to see with them : they could be interested to codevelop a project maybe ?
Worth to try it I think.


Good evening, ok, thanks a lot for letting me know!
As for Ventes/Locations | Régie des Bâtiments (, I’ve only seen the same small houses on sale now for quite some time.
Regarding the colleague you mentioned, Caro: Thanks a lot! That seems to be a good lead. Let me know if / at which point you’d like to involve me there :slight_smile:
For the moment I’ll just continue looking at the site then.



Hi Searching online Team, i find this:
Do i make a fiche or do you ?

This site is in Linkebeek and doesn’t belong to Brussels and its 19 communes, so for me not corresponding to our criteria (or did i get this wrong)?

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You are right, but this is what we will need (4000m2 with 2000m2 garden) for 1,5M. May be in flood zone but still at 23min from Gare du Midi.
Rue des Hêtres
Near Gare de LInkebeek
450m from Brussels Region
I ask for more info at the agence immobilière…

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@reef-building : could you give your opinion about the above(or should it be added as a topic in next Teams building meeting)?

A. we stick with Bxl and it’s 19 communes and we don’t make fiches for them
B. we stick with Bxl and it’s 19 communes for now but if we stumble (by accident) on sth < 30 min’s from Bxl South North or central, we make a fiche, discard it right away and later when we don’t find a site fullfilling our current criteria, we might look at those.
C. we stick with Bxl and it’s 19 communes for now, we open our (online) searches to all sites < 30 min’s from Bxl South, North or Central and make a fiche, discard it right away and later when we don’t find a site fulfilling our current criteria, we might look at those
D. we make a fiche, score it and if it gets a 2 or more, we go to plenary and ask what everybody thinks about sending it to PFS, and then looking at opening up our criteria for future searches?
E. something else?

I would go for B.


B seems good to me - also something that might be interesting for other cohousings when we share our knowledge/discarded sites.


I would go for D


Option D (going outside of the 19 communes) is a no-go for two of the founding members, so this is not like making a 10% compromise on the Blueprint. For the sake of peace and predictability I would prefer to go slowly on this one. Let’s make a fiche by all means, but let’s not stir the boat if there is not strict need for it. Even just the idea of relaxing some Blueprint criteria by just 10% has made som Reeflings feel nervous, so easy does it for me on this one.


I would go for B, Linkebeek sounds far away to me.

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