Social Media Calendar: Spot The Future

Tweets in the twitterstorm spreadsheet not final!

Hi guys, please keep an eye on the tweets google spreadsheet this week, we will be refining it in light of new content about the event as we build it… Fyi tweets with lote3 links in them were used in the past :slight_smile:

As for @vahagn’s suggestion: try to adapt tweets or make your own which make sense, doesn’t need to be ad literam translation! how could we know or count maximum for each language? that’s up to you.

yes I adapt them

and the tweets stay with the same message mostly, minor changes only. Interesting to make it work, first it didn’t feel possible then it worked:)

about the Futurenewspaper jpeg

I have realized the the jpegs weren’t tweeted yet  !

I didn’t want to put them in the post  so I think it’s better to put it as a comment and may be @saidhamideh can just post them with the other tweets in an appropriate timing

: تعليم خاص ؟ يعنى ايه؟… اشترك فى النقاش حول الاشياء التى لا نحبها فى المنظمات الكبيره futurespotters #futurenewspaper

the #futurespotters newspapaer April 2019 issue 1 , join the discussion  and share ur experience her

لاول مره منطقه وسط البلد خاليه من التحرش الحنسى!!اقراء مقاله

futurespotters و شاركنا رايك و تجربتك هنا

for the 1st Downtown Cairo is free from sexual harassment read futurespotters article and share ur experience