Société simple alignment group meeting: Helping Circle

Hi @Sophie_B , @Lee , @Andrea_W , @alberto , @Sarah , @Angelika , @RichardB

Thanks for the meeting today. You can find the minutes here
Can we try to find the date for the next team meeting.
Here are the options:

  • Thursday, 23 Nov evening
  • Sunday, 26 Nov evening
  • Monday, 27 Nov evening
  • Wednesday, 29 Nov evening
  • Sunday, 3 Dec evening
  • Monday, 4 Dec evening
  • Tuesday, 5 Dec evening
0 voters


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Also, for those who haven’t yet seen yesterday’s minutes, @Andrea_W will take the lead on plain language 2 pager (not available this week, but ok to start working on it as of next week). @Sophie has been informed. Hope you are ok with that too, @Angelika .

Look forward to your answer about the next meeting’s date.
Nice Monday to everyone!


Perfect thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi @Sophie_B , @Lee , @Andrea_W , @alberto , @Sarah , @Angelika , @RichardB, @alberto

As for the next meeting, Sunday, 3 December seems to be the date. Will create a zoom link and will send a reminder. Should we say 7pm like last time?



Hi @Lee , @Andrea_W , @alberto , @Sarah , @Angelika , @RichardB, @alberto (taking @Sophie_B out of this for the moment, as she is on the break).
Given we haven’t managed to meet yesterday and it’s important to align, can i propose a poll to set a meeting for next week or the following one?


  • Monday, 11 Dec at 7:30pm
  • Thursday, 14 Dec at 7:30
  • Saturday, 16 Dec at 12pm
  • Monday, 18 Dec at 7:30pm
  • Tuesday, 19 Dec at 7:30pm
  • Wed, 20 Dec at 7:30pm
0 voters

Thanks a lot @ugne and apologies for the hassle. Can we maybe aim for the slots on 11 or 14 December, so that we have time to prepare something for the plenary of the 20th?

Hi team,

I am sorry but I feel like I have quite a lot to do with team building at the moment, and I don’t really have extra time on my hand. I have to preserve myself a bit, and be carefull to not max out my capacities.
I might try to take part to this work where needed on specific aspects, when I’m needed, but I don"t think I can be part of the motor group, and take part to every meeting.
Let me know if you think my presence would be necessary for this meeting, or at any point later, do not hesitate to ping me for a specific job or ask me to join you on one or the other meeting. I will also keep an eye on what"s going on.
And if you are struggling and just have too much to deal with, please ping me and I will do my best to be more involved and support you.


No worries Sarah. I think we should try to create more clarity about who is in the motor group, so that nobody needs to feel guilty.

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@Sarah , totally understand, no worries whatsoever. Team, let’s go for Thursday, 14 Dec. Will post the link on the calendar


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