Some hard-to-classify 2023 costs for The Reef: explaining the "overspending" of Team Onboarding

At the latest plenary, as @ugne presented the expenditure of the various teams in 2023, we found ourselves puzzled by a larger-than-expected expenditure by @reef-recruitment . Lie, on behalf of the team, declared that the team had definitely not spend hundreds of euros.

After making sure that all rentals of venues and meals are allocated, @reef-logistics, we are left with two items:

  1. A bill of 423 EUR for the visit to cohousing Schoonschip.
  2. A bill of 65 EUR for a welcoming gift to little Edgar.

Are these expenses really onboarding/recruitment related? It’s debatable. For Schoonschip, my reasoning was that visiting a cohousing is part of the journey towards deciding whether people want to be in The Reef or not. But equally we could allocate it to Team Building, as Schoonschip has several clever technical solutions. For Edgar, my reasoning was that he had indeed joined The Reef somehow, and welcoming people is part of onboarding them. Also, once we have a team structure it is more elegant if all costs are allocated to a team.

An alternative solution:

  • Reallocate 1 to Team Building
  • Allocate 2 to no team at all, like, for example, the banking charges that we pay to Triodos.

These two moves bring Team Onboarding’s 2023 budget to zero. Shall I do that?

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Thanks for looking into that!

For me it’s all good, but I was wondering whether maybe “community gifts” could go under @reef-communitylife?

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Thanks for the info Alberto!

Both of these seem fine to me…

Also logical. Although the gift for Edgar was in 2023, when Community Life didn’t have a budget… not sure if that makes a difference. Community Life has a budget of 200 euros for 2024, for room rentals and these kinds of gifts…

If without these two expenses, Team Onboarding spent zero, does that mean that the Miro rentals have come out of Team Logistics? Because Team Onboarding’s budgets of 150 for 2023 and 300 for 2024 were earmarked for those expenses…

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It means that. As I recall it, you were the one suggesting that venue rental are a logistics thing. Happy to revert.

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No need to revert… I’d just lost track of what the policy was, even though I apparently suggested it :slight_smile:
I’ve removed the description of the 300 in the 2024 Team Onboarding budget, which had said ‘Room rental for up to 6 presentations’. However, I’ve left the amount of 300. Seems better to have it there and not need it than put zero, although I’m not attached to that if anyone disagrees…

@alberto - Where do I find a breakdown of the 801 euros of expenditure that was attributed to Team Facilitation in 2023? In Freeagent, I found Team Facilitation on the ‘Contacts’ page, and then worked my way through all the tabs (‘Invoices’, ‘Statement of account’, etc.), but I don’t see any information at all. What am I doing wrong?

Room rental was planned to go under R&O if it’s for presentations, and under Logistics if it is for plenaries.

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Scroll to the end of the page.

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These changes are now made.

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Let’s not focus on the fact that I didn’t find something in the most obvious place possible, but instead let’s focus on the fact that I have overcome my fears and am actually engaging with FreeAgent :wink:


No, it’s not obvious. They made it like that because they think a proper company has everything rebilled, etc. The software is great, but not made for not-for-profits, who make most use of “fringe” cases.

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Hi Alberto!
Rereading this thread, I realise that we put gifts in the Team Community budget for 2024… As we don’t make a gift to each new members that might make sense to keep it there?
But if it means you have to do some extra very complicated accounting, then we can keep it as is, but just change the budget slightly for 2024?
Very sorry, I’m not sure why I didn’t see that before…

What would you like me to do?

Personnally I think it makes sense that it would be an expense for Team Community Life. But I guess it didn"t exist last year, so I would say leave it as is, but in the future include that in Team Community Life budget. Does that work in terms of accouting?