Speeding up the recruitment and onboarding: dealing with the ad-hoc things that need to be done

Responding from my phone, so a bit short:

Updating the checklist and onboarding manual are on my list as a priority.

I would not panic too much about not being in touch for a week. We are trying to use our energy as as efficiently as possible, which means less time investment in the exploring phase.

I would like to see whether we can set up a tweaked version of the buddy system for the exploring phase. This way all exploring members will still have a contact point from day 1. Also very high on my list.

Moving the session of the 22nd offline I would only do if everyone can make it to Jette or go to another session.

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there were 3 people indicated the 22nd => 2 want to come to Jette, the third person is available for the Q&A session of the 27th => i am going to get the confirmation today if we will have a key by saturday. If not, we go back to the old scenario, that means ‘online session’? or should we invite them to the social event at Chris and Sarah’s (which was the social event on the 22nd before we talked about clearing the site). It will be only the 2 of them, so they can be taken apart maybe for half an hour or an hour…

There is a fair possibility that there will be more people signing up after the presentation on Thursday.

Personally I would prefer to keep this under “doer decides”. These are people who currently don’t have a buddy, so I would like to get the time to screen share Edgeryders and Nextcloud. I also don’t want to be in a bar with several people, because it will be more difficult for me to concentrate.

just for my understanding: who is the doer here: me (in contact with the people) or you (the one giving the Q&A)

Alberto also proposed to give the Q&A (if it’s difficult for you to concentrate in a cafe).
Personally i would let them come to Jette. The number of people of Thursday’s presention signing up for the Thursday session will be limited:

  • they still need to be free
  • they will need to register on Thursday evening after the presentation (doesn’t seem likely), or on friday

The doer would be me in this case. My plan is to use the same Powerpoint and help them to find their way on Nextcloud and Edgeryders.

Our process for the Exploring Members is a bit chaotic for the moment, but I have a clear idea about how I would like to navigate this. I will also prepare and email to send to them to explain what’s going to happen in the next days.

If people want to go to the site in the afternoon they can always do so.

@Lee I’ve sent a mail to the two people to follow the Q&A online on Saturday, they’ve received the opentalk link…
I’ve noticed that in the current subscription form (to become exploring member), only the dates of 22/06 and 27/06 were given as options for the Q&A.
I guess with the subscription form for the people of Thursday’s presentation, i can add the 14/07 as well as an option?

@alberto, as mieke is still away, could you take care of ‘updating the website’ on friday, as mentionned in this document (Login – Nextcloud)


Hello @reef-recruitment,

For information: I created a welcome post for the new exploring members (Welcome to the June Exploring Members!). This should replace the exploring members part of the checklist.

Did the exploring members have received a Nextcloud account already?

With the new system in place, my proposal would be to give them an account as soon as they fill in the survey. This would give them access to all the documents in the Onboarding Package.

Also as an update: the online Q&A went well (apart from some pretty bad problems with OpenTalk). My impression is that it saves a lot of time overall, while still doing the job of answering the first questions and showing them how Edgeryders and Nextcloud work.

@ugne, on another topic: what I am seeing is that in some cases there are strong doubts whether some of the exploring members would ever make it past the confesseur, so to save time and energy I think it would be great if we could send them to the confesseurs for a first check before they become Associate Members. Can I get your thoughts on this?


Hello and yes, @Lee
Totally agree.
Next confesseur day is 6 or 7 July. Brutopia and your father are booked so just need to choose the day and will be inviting everyone who hasn’t yet done it to join.

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i’ve just send chris a list with the exploring member from the beginning of june and those already registered from the 20th of june presentation.

I’ll send all the Exploring Members Nextcloud account details this afternoon…

I’m a bit confused about how this is working. Without the checklist, or a buddy, how will they know about things like Signal, or the onboarding documents to fill in? And if they haven’t yet attended a Q&A, how will they know to be looking out for a post like this on Edgeryders?

Am I right in thinking that the EMs can access the Onboarding Manual via the key documents page, but can’t follow the link in it to the checklist?

@ChrisM : can you maybe add in your post in the ‘Welcome to exploring members in June’, July 7th: meeting the confesseur and mention it in the Q&A of this thursday?

I’ve already made a separate post about this on that thread. I’ll definitely mention it at the Q&A on Thursday… :slight_smile:

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It is confusing, and not fully optimal. Here’s some answers:

  • How do they learn about the post on Edgeryders? => ideally in the follow-up email to the survey

  • A Nextcloud account is indeed needed from day 1, so that they can click on links in the Onboarding Manual etc

  • Signal I don’t worry about so much. We can add them any time.

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@reef-recruitment , a question that I asked myself after Thursdays Q&A. It was SB going for a two bedroom apartment and indicated that how it would work as there are only a limited amount of two bedrooms left.
I would propose that-for transparency reasons-, we let the exploring members know (before they need to apply for associate membership) what the full and associate members noted down as their wish (1, 2,3or 4 bedroom) with the third round of Le Programme. Plus what the current exploring members indicated…
Ps I’ve seen that Sophie C is also going for a two bedroom ( I thought she had a three bedroom in mind)

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Lie did include in the presentation how many 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom apartments were available in light of what the current Full Members want. But I agree that this would be good to be as open and transparent as possible about before the next round of associate membership applications. It’s certainly the case that if every current Exploring Member household eventually wanted to become Full Members, there would not be enough 2-bedroom apartments to go around.

The deadline for the 6 June group has been shifted to 8 July, so that they can make a decision after seeing the confesseurs the day before. So if you could make a post on the ‘Welcome to to the June Exploring Members’ thread with whatever info we have at that time, that would be great…

@SophieC told be that she would be ok to go for a 3-bedroom apartment if needed, but it might be worth clarifying that…



Hey @reef-recruitment,

Looking at the calendar I see that the deadline for th 20 June Exploring Members is 17 July, which is a bit unfortunate timing, as we have a Full Members meeting on 15 July.


  • We change the deadline to 12 July (or at least kindly request them to apply early to make our lives easier). This still leaves them the three weeks that are foreseen in the process, and leaves us the time to process the applications (including those of the 6 June group) as efficiently as possible.

  • We organise a meeting on membership applications on 13 July. The meeting would be organised by Team R&O, but all Full Members who would like to join are very welcome. The purpose of the meeting would be to go through the applications, and make a proposal for consent for the FM meeting on 15 July.

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There’s a Q&A on the 14th that may play a part in some peoples decision. I know it’s a bit tight, but could we make the new deadline the afternoon of the 14th, and have the Team R&O meeting that evening?

i was thinking the same, and it’s ‘summer holiday’ period.
i would go with chris’s proposal…

i see that only half of the exploring have an ER account, 5 out those 7 without an account, are exploring members who didn’t go to a Q&A so far…

Uf, waw. In terms of planning that session on the 14th is unlikely to win a price :sweat_smile:. To make matters worse Alberto and I are going on a romantic weekend that weekend. It’s only four households, so it should be possible to reschedule the Q&A. Worst case I’ll need to do two sessions. Let’s talk tomorrow about how we can solve this?

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@reef-recruitment : added three columns in the state-of-play file, in the tab of the exploring members:

  • personal fiche / skills fiche / registration file.
    You can see who filled in what already…