Staff contracts for 2020

Most of the staff hired this year for NGI Forward and POPREBEL had one-year contracts. In order to be able to sign the new contracts beginning of the next year, I proposed a procedure for this here: 📗 Horizon 2020 Project Coordination Manual under “Extending staff members’ contracts”.

Let me know if this works and if you agree. Note that in the contract template for 2020 there might be an additional change in relation with the article 10 (also marked in yellow). The best is to wait for that information before starting to use the template. I will post the update on this here.

@alberto @nadia @johncoate @matthias @noemi @amelia

I am ready to move forward with the details of the 2020 contract, but I need some guidance as to what is planned and the nature of the expectations for 2020.

I had assumed that I will not be part of POPREBEL in 2020 and this should be deleted from my contract. But the spreadsheet Marina created maintains the same numbers. I like the project and am certainly willing to help if it makes sense.

I also assume, that my NGI duties will require the same hours as 2019, Which is indicated on the spreadsheet linked above.

And I am not sure what our NGI deliverables are for 2020. The grant agreement indicated a couple of deliverables for the SSNA work in month 13, but that is all I see in WP2 for 2020. IF this is the case, then do I write up 2020 in a kind of maintenance/growth mode?

And I will guess that the outreach component is still on the drawing board…

These are numbers from the overall budget in which you in theory have 9k for three years. In the first year you’ve worked for 5k meaning there are 4k remaining. Of course, as indicated in the note, this is tbc since it depends on the needs in practice. All calculations in the spreadsheet are to be discussed with the team and further adapted if needed.

That makes sense because there was a lot of training in the first year.

Here’s an update about the new contracts, also in relation to this post:

We have finally changed the article 10 of our standard contract template which means that all contracts in 2019 and those in 2020 need to be signed again, in paper. Which means those that were signed digitally or in paper this year will no longer be valid. To avoid duplication of the work I have merged the contracts for 2019 & 2020 (for the collaborators we continue working with this year), created unique document in which you can find all tasks per project + terms, conditions and compensation per year and details on billing parameters, all seperated for both projects so that it’s super clear. These contracts can be found in the protected folder on the Drive, HERE.

What I need next is revision of these. Use the opportunity to change and adapt attachments 1 and 2 depending on what happened this year (great chance to correct any mistakes in reporting!) and please consult with your team leader / board about the details for the 2020 part. Currently this part is just a draft and will depend on the revision / decision made by the team leaders and the board.

Once that is done, we will proceed with signing, in paper, by post.

@alberto @nadia @noemi @johncoate @amelia @hugi @matthias

The contracts are done and ready for signing for most of you. The major modifications:

  • article 10 in compliance with the EU regulations.
  • 2019 & 2020 are merged and now in terms and conditions include the sum up to the allocated amount for the two years on the basis of the available budget. This means that by the end of 2020 you are supposed to invoice not more than that sum, but could be less, depending on the work.
  • for billing parameters refer to the tab with your name in this spreadsheet.
  • Super important notice: be aware for which WP(s) you are working. If you are not sure how much time you need to report under which workpackage please contact me. It is crucial to pay attention to this.

Let’s proceed with signing.