🗨 Status Report II: What's Up With You?

Actually, correction, he is the original author of Redis! I didn’t know that.

I’ll write up a brief on the platform soon on the implementation and then I might ask you to ping him @alberto.

It was pointed out to me just now that here is (most of) America today, marijuana is legal and haircuts are not.

Got a little garden going…


And nice wildflowers. This is a wild purple iris and rhododendron flowers. They grow abundantly in this coastal redwood country.


Here is a a simple quick online game I created…nothing needed but going deep into the pictures you took while exploring your city or by communicating with a friend that you know they will have the picture.

Since you represent a wider range of cities, I invite you to use the link to take us with you in tours to you cities and let others know more about your by your eyes

It’s been raining here for days. I don’t remember when it ever rained in mid May around here. Clearing today. a mixed blessing as we enter fire season. Water makes fire less likely, but will cause the underbrush to grow much bigger.

New Yorker story about community labs mentions Anthony DiFranco!

In many ways, the earnest, democratizing amateurism of community labs feels nothing like the snarky, performative energy projected by biohackers. The people I spoke with at Open Insulin are modest, serious, and, in some cases, steeped in social-justice activism. Still, there is overlap between members of the two factions—they know one another, attend some of the same conferences, and share a belief that real science can be conducted outside institutional settings. And they are similarly committed to making their protocols and findings transparent. One of Open Insulin’s founders, Anthony Di Franco—a computer scientist who lives in Berkeley and is himself a Type 1 diabetic—told me that, though he thinks of Open Insulin as belonging to the “lineage of mutual-aid societies,” he also sees the group as “definitely part of the biohacking community.”

@anthony_di_franco and @ramykim :slight_smile: You guys still at it it seems <3

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Meanwhile there is this: the USA has 4.29% of the world population and 31% of the Covid-19 deaths.

I don’t have to tell you how interesting this is!

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Not sure why now, my emergency-mode is really wearing off. I think I’m simply exhausted, I crave for some for of normalcy, where I can plan ahead with an illusory sense of safety.

But the global political shit-show we are witnessing is really the cherry on top of a big depressing pie. It’s all so tiring.

Tried yoga at all? :))


America today:

I needed this, thanks.

Straight back into “downward facing social calendar” (…and …let it go! :laughing:) , between one “parental backflip” and the other, we’ll try to stay out of the madness for longer than strictly unavoidable :smiley:


As America descends into madness…

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It’s been descending for a while, I’m afraid…

True. Like my whole life actually. We now appear to be at a crossroad or a breaking point though. Pandemic, depression, racial turmoil exacerbated by the pandemic since it infects people of color the most specifically because of inequality, and a leader whose party is the party of white supremacy.

I am almost 70 years old. I have lived though McCarthyism, the Cold War, tthe entire civil rights movement, the Viet Nam War, Kent State, accelerated inequality post-Reagan, Sept 11, wars we started with lies, tech booms and tech busts and the rise of the surveillance state - all of it right up to the present. This is different. Some in office will try to assign police brutality to a ‘few bad apples’ and all the other usual excuses. The barons of capital will do everything in their power to make sure they stay on top draining everyone else of their resources.

But that will not fly this time. Even if there is enough white solidarity to return Trump and his GOP toadies to office in November, infection, unemployment, racial tension - it will get worse, not better. They have no response other than violence. They can’t fix the situation or even improve it, unless they abandon their grip on disallowing the government to actually help people - which they have been forced to do in the form of payments and other benefits this year plus ways to get more resources to working people such as health care - but they are not going to do that. If they get voted out of office perhaps there is a degree of hope for a new paradigm. But only perhaps.

Trust me - it’s different this time.

Thank you. I tend to trust direct experience.

My indirect observations make me think that the difference this time is that this US might not bounce back. The world leadership will be lost, and the living conditions of the vast majority, which was degrading for a long time already, will crash.

Unless as you said, a new paradigm will shift in. I had some moderate hopes with Sanders, but we know how that went… I still hope I am wrong.

This is another major difference I think: that moron of a president is not even trying to do that himself, instead, he is blowing into the flames!

The looting tweet, and the anti antifa president as two recent examples…

meh imjustakintodrinkin yeyeyey