Summary from Virtual Cafe 18 Sept - Zveljko (Serbian connector) on board!

Hi all, yesterday me and @zveljko met and discussed the next steps for community engagement and stories in Serbia. Apparently the response he got when he introduced the project to people in his network was faily positive, and expecting stories already this week!

The following days Zveljko will:

  • Have some stories posted in the Serbian forum
  • Meet @jasen_lakic during the meetup organised in Belgrade on Friday. More about it here.
  • Decide on a place and date for the November event, which happens as part of the Wellbeing Festival 19-29 November. Myself and Jasen, as far as I remember, are both interested to go. I can do a couple days between 19-25.
  • Publish a mini strategy for event building so that we can align and support when needed. Please see all the resources we shared and decide what works for you.
  • Announce the event asap! The reason for this is that it’s better if the people we engage know that they are part of a process that is not limited to sharing their stories, but continues with meeting others who share different views on the topic, different strategies for wellbeing, and with whom they can engage in useful discussions about how to be well, how to achieve health and prosperity.
    Another perk for sharing stories online is the rewards for best stories. Do keep that in mind!
    Show us stories that matter, become an expert in a topic and get paid 200 €

From 19th to 29th, I guess that is the time period within which the festival should take place? How long is the festival supposed to last?