Summary of unMonastery Community Call #4

Today’s call was focused on the organisational structure, promototion of the International Call/LOTE3 and unMonastery track for LOTE3.

Present were: rita pacheco, Dorotea Mar, Noemi Salantiu, rita orlando, David Ridge, Alberto Cottica, Antonio and myself.

With the adoption of roles and pledges of commitment from those in the EdgeRyders community and many newcomers - we’re very close to establishing a team that can drive the project forward, if you would like to play a key role in unMonasteries development read this post and check out the organisational chart.

Going forward unMonastery community calls will be 11AM CET Mondays every week - LOTE3 community calls will be on Fridays. We always use the same Community Call link.

Points covered in the call were as follows.

The unMonastery Track, Session Proposals - LOTE:

●    The current shape of the unMonastery track includes: Bembo’s hosting committee, Francesco co-design sessions and Zoe Ramano leading the design of the unMonastery uniform(?).

  • Rita plans to reach out to the local university in Matera, inviting students but potentially also holding a mini-conference to get students involved in unMonastery - Ben to support this process. 
  • Annemarie, CommonFutrs on twitter has expressed the desire to attend LOTE but also run at least one session as part of the unConference. Her work specialises in asset transfer to communities and community run services such as; Libaries, Communication infrastructure and so forth - read more here:


●    Rita and Antonio, are working together to sort out logistics regarding the building itself, working with the local municipalities to get work underway - there also exists a seating problem, Rita plans to talk to Francesco to try and resolve this.

The building, Antonio says the 3 available roomes on the 1st floor should be able to hold 30 people per a room.

●    We still need a shuttle service, between Bari and Matera.

Communication and Promotion of unMonastery & LOTE3: 

●    Basic approach to promoting the project is being discussed here: /t/unmonastery/315/circulating-unmonastery-lets-push-things-forward

●    We still desperately need to write a press release, so that we can syndicate to journalists for easy news stories and coverage. Fabio is making a first pass at this today in Italian.

●    We still need a press kit - containing all material relating to unMonastery and LOTE3 - the workspace for this is here.

●    TWITTER PRESS CONFERENCE - I’ve created a task  - giving the first details on how this might be approached, we’ve scheduled for the 16th - however if someone is unable to take the lead on this soon, it may not happen.

Calls to action:

Lead this ideas.

Create list of journalist twitter handles who may be interested in the project

Create nuggets of content (1 minute videos explaining elements)

●    Call to Universites - during the call Alberto translated from Italian his text for approaching departments at appropriate universites. Which can be found here: /t/unmonastery/315/call-for-unmonastery-residencies-as-thesis

Calls to action:

Create a list of departments and individuals we can reachout to with contact details.

Take the lead on contacting these individuals using the available text - I can provide you with an unMonastery email address.

  • In order to co-ordinate social media efforts - those working on unMonastery should use the same group as EdgeRyders on the platform. 
  • We still really need some big hitters blogging about LOTE3 and the International Call - individuals such as Vinay, Dougald et al. 

Hopefully this covers everything. Lots of things need doing, dive in? And please highlight anything I may have missed - we covered a lot.

Social media proposal

I just posted an invitation for Ilaria, Fabio and Paolo to join us in the team, with particular focus on building efforts to communicate to the Italian communities. Here it is, and we’ll probably take it from there, Paolo was suggesting a hangout for coordination in the following days… will keep you updated. thanks for the prompt summary!

press release

here the final draft of press release (in italian)

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press release and conference

The press release (in italian) is basically complete
If the date for the twitter conference is the 16th, I think by Friday we need to have the statement translated.
We must also have guidelines on how to work a press conference on twitter, so we can send it to journalists and influencers together with an abstract of the press release and the convening of the conference.
would be quite important to have the directories of the media in Basilicata and those involved in MT2019, as suggested by rita.
Then I think everyone should send the convening of the conference to all possible contacts, media and influencers.