Summary of Week #4

Hi all,

This has been a full week in terms of reporting and agreeing with each UNDP office on what the steps forward are. It’s not exactly where we could have been doing by now (especially in terms of country engagement), had it not been for the delays which if needed we’ll capitalize on later. All in all it’s going well and everyone is willing to learn, which is key.

  • We have sent the first deliverable + invoice and are expecting the first money installment in 30 days or less.
  • We have sent reviews of each country Post2015 report with clear structure on how we move from Development priorities to Edgeryders critical outlook style to Examples of Mission Briefs
  • We have recruited 1 of the 3 engagement managers - Inge Snip in Georgia who is working already eg Georgian posts on the platform; the rest are due early next week
  • We have agreed with COs on final dates for the Spot the Future Tour in April: Egypt (11-13), Georgia (14-15), Armenia (18-19)

Here is what you should expect to happen (early) next week (by the way I will be on holiday with no wifi all week).

  • COs to get back to Edgeryders team with feedback on Post2015 reviews and approx. 2 priority themes they would like to focus on; note that Georgia wants to include a Challenge on models of citizen-gov interaction - where applicants can submit and be evaluated by a board, potential prize involved - nothing set in stone, waiting to hear more.
  • Egypt office to review the applications for engagement manager and propose 3 candidates they would like to know better, potentially interview. 
  • ER to make a final decision on Armenian eng manager and communicate it to the UNDP team as well
  • ER to create a STF invitation text fitting for dissemination through UNDP networks. I trust that [Matthias] is right about this
  • Locations for the Tour: whoever has proposals will post them on the platform (links +price) and we’ll coordinate to make a decision. Will need to clarify with someone in UNDP management that we will not be paying for workshop location. It has not been included in our budget - an we probably need to check again what is meant by "UNDP country support".
  • Everyone is on board with 1 official weekly call: each Wednesday 1pm cet with whoever in the team can join, engagement managers included. The rest of the issues can be dealt with on a case by case basis:

All the project “paper trail” you can find in the shared google drive.

Ciao :slight_smile:


Super Noemi strikes again

You’re a star. Thank you so much for this, makes it so much easier to keep track. Have fun <3