Taking a break

I’m starting a new thread here where people can flag that they are on a break. This because it’s helpful to know that somebody is away, and even more, to know when they are back.

I’ll go first:

I’ll be away from 27/09 until 11/10 (I will be there though for the plenary on 29/09). I will turn of my notifications, but I may check in sporadically. If you need me, don’t hesitate to contact me on my phone.


Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that the evening plenarys have been a bit draining for me, and I don’t think I will be able to attend them, at least for the moment.
If that’s ok with everybody, I might attend to part of it when it is relevant and important for me to be there, but I won’t be able to stay until the end.


Hello @reeflings,

As some of you may know I have been struggling a bit lately (I’m on the way up though), and so I would like to take a little break, from now until the 22nd of May included.

What does this imply in practice?

  • @ChrisM has kindly accepted to step in as the Back-up, i.e. to take of the tasks I take on as the group coordinator

  • I don’t envisage to disappear completely (so happy to do some work), but I do need a break from the daily buzz and responsibilities.

  • I will therefore not be checking the forum (I also don’t have notifications). If you’d like me to look at something or send you a reply (PM or thread), can you please send me a message on Signal?

Thanks in advance for your understanding. I hope to be back soon feeling like my old self again.


Hello everyone,
I’ll be in Montreal from 2 to 12 June inclusive for our son Maël’s graduation. I’ll have access to wifi but not on a regular basis.
See you soon, Sébastien


dear all,

I’m going to be on the Camino in Spain for the next few weeks. depending on injury, until August.

Have a great summer.
See you soon.


Hey everyone, we are on holidays all of July, back in Brussels in August with (hopefully) lots of energy.
See you soon!


I will be mostly offline until Thursday afternoon. In case you need me, feel free to contact me on Signal though.

I’ll be away from 20/7 until 6/8. I’ll still be in vacantion from 6/8 until 15/8 but I will probably be in Belgium touring a little.

Hi @reeflings
Just a note that i will be taking a very needed break from 21st July to 15 August.
Thank you for your understanding!


me too


I will be away from 20 to 31 July. If there would be something urgent, I can be reached on Signal.


Hi everyone!
Sarah will be away for 3 weeks from tomorrow, and I will be away for 2 weeks from 5th. We’ll both be back in Brussels on the 21st. Still available on Edgeryders etc., but perhaps not so frequently…


For me not on edgeryders most of the time! Ping me on signal if need be :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, a little update from my side. I am back today and I’ll check all the messages, but I’ll be offline again until the 6th of August. Same again, if urgent, contact me on Signal because I won’t be checking Edgeryders until the 6th.


@alberto and I are out since yesterday until 4 September included. I may be having a go at some items of my backlog, so I may log in from time to time, but please don’t count on it.

If you need us for something urgent, feel free to reach out on Signal.

@ChrisM will be taking over my coordination tasks as the back-up when I’m away. Thanks for that!


Hello everyone, I’ll be on holidays until 24th of September. If there is something urgent, send me a message on Signal, even though I might not answer right away because of possible poor internet connection :slight_smile: See you soon!


Hi all - just to let you know that Victor is in time-out until Jan’24. We have divided the tasks and he is been mainly taking care of other personal matters since this summer. I am taking a break from presential activities because of the moving apartments from Nov.23 to Dec. 7th but I can still do some things online eg comms, checking sites/searching for contact info. Thanks for the understanding


Going on a break from now to the week of 11th December 2023. Only exception, the plenary of 6 november, which I will try to make.


Hello everybody, I’ll be travelling from 15 to 31 December (without my laptop) - happy holidays for those that I won’t see beforehand :slight_smile: :evergreen_tree: :star2:


Hi all, apologies but we need to extend the time out. The moving didn’t go as planned, some issues in the way, things to fix and now is overlapping with family visits and holidays plans. I hope we can catchup soon in Jan. Happy holidays to you all ! Janet and Victor

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