Taking a break

Hi all, Aline and I going on a break from 23/12 till 02/01/24. :wave:


Hi everyone, I will also be on a break from 27 December to 2 January & from 8 to 15 January.
Happy holidays :christmas_tree:


I am from today until 29/12 included. I can be reached on Signal, but I may take a couple of days before I reply.


Hi @reeflings,

I am currently going through a rough patch, professionally speaking : starting a new job, job not meeting my expectations, commuting 3h/day, 5 days/week while I did not sign for that, applying for new jobs every evening when at home + preparing courses that I’m giving…

This is why I haven’t been capable mentally to give enough time to The Reef, and I am very sorry for that but I feel on the verge at this moment.

I definitely want to stay in the process so, If that’s okay for you, I would like to keep following plenary meetings (and other activities)?! It will help me to stay involved.
Depending on the next weeks, I’ll do my best to be more and more involved in a team.

Based on that, I guess that I’m not requesting a “Taking a break” neither a “Time-out” but more a “Special arrangement”, right? :innocent:

In the meantime, I’m still following the thread and I’m in Caro’s shadow, we discuss what’s going on together.

Thanks in advance for your comprehension :hugs:


Hi all, I will not be reachable until the 1st of April (included). For urgent matters regarding the public presentation, it’s better to contact somebody else from @reef-recruitment . Thanks and see you soon!


Hi all,

I realise that my weekends have been a bit full and I haven’t have much time for the Reef, I should have forseen that and let you know.
Next weekend again I won’t be available, and don’t have much time during the week. So effectively I’m now on a break for this week. Should calm down after that…
I’m reachable on signal (although not super reactive either, so don’t hesitate to call me if I don’t answer)


Hi, it’s me again…

I’ve come to realise that I’ve experienced quite the overload in the past months, and I’ve been going through it joyfully, but I’m reaching a point where it is affecting my health and wellbeing.
So I need to take a few weeks to recover and come back fresh.

I will do my best to finish my tasks wherever I can, or pass them over, but that might happen over a few days as my mind has already started shutting down. So if you see something that needs an action urgently, please reach out to me on signal.

I’ll keep updated through Chris and may join sometimes when it’s possible.


I will be offline (probably not even reading Signal) until Sunday evening included.


Hi everyone :slight_smile:
I just wanted to give a bit more clarity about where I’m at.

I am slowly trying to come out of my break, mostly with plenary and full member’s meetings, and trying to get my head back in the game. But to be honest, it still feels a bit early because I realise I get overwhelmed very quickly. At the same time, things are moving a lot, and I feel that I need to become active again and not let the group down. But I will try to do that slowly, and not overload myself (which is my natural tendency, so I will have to fight myself). I hope you understand.
So if that’s ok, I don’t think I will commit to matching the minimum commitment for now (I might, but I don’t feel like I can commit to it). Among other things, that means that I might not be connecting to ER twice a week. Chris normally tells me if there is something urgent, but don’t hesitate to contact me on signal if needed.

Also I’m on holliday this week, so effectively I will be absent in the next few days.

Sorry for being absent at a really wrong point in time, and thanks for your understanding and support over the past few weeks!


Thanks for sharing that @Sarah! To me it’s really super super super important that self-care always comes first, and that nobody should ever feel guilty about taking a break. It’s a ultra-marathon like the notary called it, and we are running it as a group. That means that at any moment there are going to be people who need a break because “life happens”. It’s all good.


Taking a break until 2024-05-21, included.


I am on a semi-break until Friday 10/05 included.

I will be checking in daily, but only for the urgent things. I you would need my attention, please @mention me or send me a message on Signal.


I am away too, I will be offline from tomorrow until Sunday the 12th included. When urgent, send me an old-fashioned sms.


Hi all !
This feels like the right place to acknowledge that I’ve spent the last 4-5 days completely ignoring Edgeryders and most Reef-related communication. This despite the fact that I was involved with a number of tasks and collaborations, and that the project is currently in an intense stage. I ended up with an enormously time-consuming task to do for work, and if I’d realised how long it would take and how little attention I would have for anything else, I would have used this thread to take a break, rather than irresponsibly disappear. Diving back into it now…


Dear Reeflings,

I will be away for 3 days, since I have a lot on my mind lately and I must take a bit of time off.


Dear all,
Maria and I will be out of the country (and reachable) from 02-15 June.


Hi all,
I must take a bit of time off for personal reasons. I will still attend the presentation on the 6th but after that I’ll be on a break until the beginning of July. If urgent, don’t hesitate to contact me on Signal or Whatsapp.


Take good care of yourself :people_hugging:

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I am not feeling very well these days, so I no longer manage to read everything on here, not even the messages with an @mention. If you need my attention, can you please contact me on Signal?

I will also be taking a break shortly, going more or less completely offline from Sunday 9 June in the afternoon until Monday 17 June in the afternoon. For anything related to coordination please contact the mighty @ugne.


Take care Lee xxx

A little update on my side : I’m back :slight_smile:
Still struggling a bit to get back into the intense rythm though, and also will try and not go head first and end up in the same state as before…