Taking a break

I am now going offline for real, only reading one-on-one Signal messages. I’ll be back on the 17th of June, and I’ll start catching up on the 18th.

If you need me for something, please don’t hesitate to contact me there, I’ll check in every evening.


Unfortunatly, I will miss again the plenary (june 17th). I’m on a trip (organized since a long time) from june17 to june 21. I’m sorry but I will catch up in july…I’ll very happy to meet each of you.


I’ll be on a little holiday starting tomorrow - back on the 30th of June :slight_smile:


I have a medical issue and will need to take a break, probably for the next two weeks. No need to worry though.

I hope I’ll be on my feet again soon, but for now I need to disconnect as much as possible and let go of my tasks and responsibilities.

I won’t be reading much other than one-on-one Signal chats. Don’t hesitate to reach out.


hi reeflings,

i feel a bit sick. It started yesterday. I guess it will only take a few days. I am quite sure to be up and running (by a matter of speaking) by Sunday, so i should still be able to do the site visit on Sunday with Sophie C


Hi Reeflings and especialy @reef-external and @reef-inclusion,

I will be in the Alpes for trekking from tomorrow until next Sunday (06/07).

So my internet connexion will be not sure and not have my PC.

In other words, it will be like a break ^^
(But I will send the email for the Salon de l’habitat groupé for Team External after the team validate the name of our stand ;)).

Have a nice visit tomorrow and a great plenary on Monday :slight_smile:


Hi Reef!
Tinne and I are going on holiday until the 10th of july. (Currently on a train in Germany, half way there)
See you soon!


Going on a break from 2 to 9 of July, included.


I am slowly transitioning out of my break, but I will need some time to catch up.

If you need a reaction from me and you are not getting it, I’d be grateful if you could reach out to me on Signal.


I will be away from 12 to 27 July with no internet connection at all from 14 to 20 July.


I will be completely offline from now until Thursday 18/07 included.

When I’m back the first things on my to do list are these:

  • Proposal on a meeting schedule for plenary meetings

  • Summarise the conclusions from the Full Members meeting yesterday

  • Checklist for Associate Members

  • Checking in on the agenda items for the plenary meeting of 23/07

  • Proposal on accessibility / elevators


Hi all,

My first break, exciting!

I will be away from tomorrow, the 26th of July, until 4 August, with no access to my phone.

I’ll be back in Brussels from the 5th Of August until the 8th, but won’t be trying to catch up too much then, since I’ll be on holiday again from the 9th until 18 August.

Catch you all later!

Warmly, Thomas