Team Building: getting started

Dear @reeflings,
This post concerns everyone involved in the scouting exercise.
I have put here the document about the scouting exercise. I includes a table with the areas that people are scouting or intend to scout in the coming weeks (Richard and I haven’t decided yet) and the map.

For the fiche, you can decide to paste the pictures of a given site directly on the Word document or create a folder, following the example of “site Deleers Anderlecht” or “site Rober Buyck Anderlecht”. The name of those files correspond to the name of the streets where the sites are located. The folders with pictures should be uploaded here.

*Please, if you spot something weird about the links let me know. I have a lot of problems to log in to Nextcloud lately.


Hi Sophie, 11/5 is possible.

I have my kids so I would probably have to leave some time for getting them to bed.

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Great news, @MariaAM !!

Welcome, @Julien!

A match made in heaven :slight_smile:

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So @reef-building, is everyone ok with scheduling our next meeting on 11/05 at 7.30pm? I have prepared a draft agenda - feel free to add to it, restructure items etc.


Hey @reef-building, following Chris’ post about the next coordination group meeting, can either @MariaAM or @Sarah represent us at that meeting? Ugne is covering Legal & Finance and I am travelling. Thank you :slight_smile:

I think there is a mistake, next plenary can’t be the 6 May. I’m not sure if Chris referred to the meeting next week where we will assess the first results of the scouting exercise? I think last Monday we talked about a meeting on the 16 May, I guess that’s it. In that case, I cannot attend the meeting because we’ll be in Germany.

Yes, I guess it’s a typo and it’s indeed the 16th. @Sarah, any chance you could cover?

Hey @MariaAM

Have you put the picture of the map somewhere outside the .doc-file of the scouting exercice? The quality is low of it in the .doc-file and It would be easier to see if a JPEG or something similar of high quality is loaded to a map.

Sorry, it was a typo :confused:

The next plenary is on the 16th, where a review of the scouting exercise so far will be on the agenda, as we discussed at the last plenary.

The coordination group meeting on the Saturday before (the 13th) is to prepare for that plenary, move forward with the next presentation and to connect all the coordinators (as we haven’t done this for a while). So would be good to have someone representing Team Building at that… :slight_smile:

@Julien I’ve put the maps on this folder
@ChrisM @reef-building I will be traveling on the 13, I won´t be available to represent team building that day.

Yes I can do that :slight_smile:
I could also cover the plenary meeting if needed, although I’m not sure what we will have to present. Unless we are aiming at people to feedback to us what they have covered before then?

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Ok for Thursday, 11 May for a team building meeting. Noted.

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Hey @reef-building, I have created a “mother post” on the scouting exercise (as suggested by Lie) to group all the info that scouting Reefings might need and also to facilitate our task when assessing the fiches :wink: The idea is to use it as a wiki, so if you want to change or add anything just change the post itself (rather than replying to it).
I have also tried to clean up the Team Building folder on Nextcloud and especially the one on the Scouting exercise - let me know if you’re not happy or are missing something (I’ve saved all the documents that I deleted from Nextcloud on my computer).


Hi team building and more specifically @Julien
Here is the one pager to send to the communes (internal link) as well as the email (internal link). Could you review it and make any changes you see necessary (keeping track changes on)?
Anybody else interested (@anon78992831 thinking of you for example!) could also have a look at and edit it.
I know we said that Julien and I would talk on monday but this seems more like the way we usually do it :slight_smile: Happy to chat as well if needed though! Call me :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah, 2 things, I think I will join you soon at team building :slightly_smiling_face: + I can take care of reaching the commune of Anderlecht because the contacts already know me via the Bizet project, thanks for your feedback, bonne journée, seb


Hi Sebastien!
Yay about you joining!
And concerning reaching out to communes, I’m soon gonna make a post, to get some of our locals/people talking a local language help out; you were definetly on the list of people we were hoping to get involved :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah, I’ve just readed the One-Pager and the Email to send to the persons we contact.

I see that some elements are used in both “documents” and I ask myself if it isn’t too much? (Mostly the criteria of what we are seeking for)
I think it would be good presenting some little more The Reef in the one-pager and using what we are looking for in the email. But I’d like to have the opinion of others about it.

Then personnally I’m not convinced about the fact we tell them that we could bring them to their commune. I think we would beter do telling them why their commune is interesting us (even if we will or could bring them a lot of good things to their commune).

Further just a little observation/opinion: I wouldn’t say “Le Reef” but “The Reef”

But nice text ! I’m not that good in writing such things, well done

Hi Julien,
Thanks for your comments.

The idea of the one pager is that all the elements are there, and that it is a document that we can hand over on its own, or circulate (maybe I could actually say that in the email), so it’s better to have all the info on it I think. But yes, might be good to have more point of views on this.

I see what you mean and I wondered the same… I picked up the email from somebody else, and I wasn’t sure whether to keep that part or not. But in the end I thought it might actually be a good selling point… As for why the commune is of interest to us, I’m not sure it’s not gonna sound a bit generic and not genuine though? If you have ideas about how to frame that, let me know. Otherwise we can just loose that whole paragraph (which I will do for now), and let them decide for themselves whether they like our project!

For future reference, you can also put your comments directly in the document, and propose edits directly there too (making sure that track changes is on, so no risk to lose stuff) :slight_smile:


I like the idea of letting the question more open to them if our project interest them without we having the pretention we are “good for them”. Good idea !

I prefer your idea above mine because mine implies we have to adapt the text to every commune or entity we contact.