Team Building: getting started

Thanks @MariaAM, @Sarah and @ugne for filling in the poll. @MariaClaudia and @Dave_behave - does the 21/04 and/or the 23/04 work for you?
Also, thanks to @Lee, we already have a draft agenda with possible items to discuss :slight_smile: Feel free to add to it!

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Looks like it’s going to be the 4 of us, @MariaAM, @Sarah and @ugne.
@Sarah is there any chance you could be available for a meeting on 21/04 - maybe earlier if that works for the others? I’ll be on a train all day on 23/04 unfortunately, and I think it would be really important to get everyone together :slight_smile:

A meeting on the 21 from 17.00 onwards works for me.

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HI guys! We have a dinner on Friday night, so 21 August could definitely work, but could we make it at 5pm then so we have time to finish by the time we need to leave? Thanks!

Sorry but I’m working until 6pm, so won"t be able to make it at 5pm…

What about we start at 17h30 & Sara joins us at 18h?

I don"t think it’s gonna work. I rarely finish on time… But we can keep it that way, and I’ll see whether I can join or not…

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@Sarah, @ugne and @MariaAM, ok if we say 6pm so that Sarah doesn’t miss most of the meeting? I’ll put it in the calendar. See you all on Friday!

P.S.: And of course: Best of luck for tomorrow @MariaAM :slight_smile:


yes, thank you @Sophie_Beese !

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Hey @MariaAM (and also @ugne and @Sarah), I have just saved a draft of the proposal for the scouting excercise:
Let me know what you think and feel free to add to it :slight_smile:


Looks great!
I’ve just made a small comment about timing…

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Thanks @Sarah!
About the one pager: If I do a first draft in French (unless someone else would like to do it?), would you be able to proofread it?

Hey guys,

Rather than doing it at the plenary, I took the liberty to insert two small comments into the document. Can you please have a look?

Other than that I have a couple of questions:

  • Do you have a plan about how to deal with the Excel list that Manuel received?

  • To get a feeling of making progress, do you think you can set a target about what you’d like to achieve by the end of May? For example: which parts you would like to have covered?

  • Will we receive a piece of the map on Tuesday?

  • Will there be some feedback to the people who filled in a fiche?

  • Will we collect all the addresses in an Excel ourselves, so that maybe some day we can give something back to another group?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, no pb!

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I think we optimistically thought we would cover the whole of west Brussels… do you think it’s not feasible?

It is the plan, yes. I think the idea was to just cut it out on the spot, depending on how many people would participate in the scouting.

We kinda forgot about that… We could sort out the excel doc by commune and point people to them? What do you guys think?

For the other questions, our plan was to meet again in the course of the month of may so we can probably discuss it then?
But maybe the others have things to add anyway…

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On this, I have been working on ways of cutting the map, trying to make an equal (kind of) distribution of areas + taking into account transport to a main train station <30 min, but I’m not sure yet. Still working on it -maybe we can just simply cut a physical map without thinking too much about it.

I haven’t been able to 1) comment on the document (thanks Sophie!) and update fiche Anderlecht because I can no longer access Next cloud with my corporate laptop, but will do it soon.


There’s only 10 Reeflings left, which makes for 5 duos, plus maybe a couple of Newlings. I am not following the scouting exercise thingy close enough to be able to estimate whether this is feasible, but my gut feeling tells me it’s not. In that case - given that our moral has been higher - getting the feeling of making progress is important to me. I would rather do a small part, but feel like we manage to do what we said we were going to do, than to aspire to a big part and then unavoidably fail. What do you think?

I think it needs a bit more work (cleaning up the data so that only the useful ones remain), but also not an awful lot.

We thought it was possible to do the scouting on your own, except maybe for industrial areas.
But still you are right that we need to “remonter le moral des troupes”! @MariaAM : maybe you have more of an idea on what’s feasible once you’ve worked on the dividing of the map ?

Noted. Does somebody have some time for this? Otherwise I can have a look on Monday maybe.

@Sarah, @MariaAM and @ugne quick question: who is going to be at the plenary on Tuesday and who will present the proposal?
Have a good weekend :slight_smile:

@alberto maybe you? It’s an Excel sheet with close to 900 lines that needs to be sorted out. From what I can see it should be relatively straightforward, even though your data scientist soul may need some trauma therapy afterwards :upside_down_face:

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