Team Building meetings: debrief and preparing the next one

Hello @reef-building,

I have prepared a draft agenda for the meeting on Thursday.

What I propose is that we focus our attention and energy on re-organising the fiche factory, which implies that we would postpone some items from the backlog to the meeting on 19 January (see also Scouting work flow and organisation - #6 by Lee). This is why I have already prepared the draft agenda for that meeting too, but we can of course see whether there are any objections to this approach.

Items to be prepared for the meeting include the following:

  • Buildable area: read the post and see whether you would like to be the Team’s expert on this

  • Work flow & organisation: read the post if you find the time, and have a look at the “sandbox” (which is an experimental folder on my personal Nextcloud)

  • Sites that need discussion: @Sarah (or somebody else?), are there any, and if yes, could you post their reference beneath, plus maybe one sentence that summarizes the question to the round?

  • Depending on how much time we have and how urgent it is, we could add one extra point, which could be “where to scout” or “owners of sites”. I guess this doesn’t need any preparation, but if somebody thinks it does, please feel free to add something in the “preparation” column.

If you would like something to the draft agenda, that’s of course always possible. If so, please drop a line below, and then we see how we can mix things together.

PS: @Sarah (or someone who knows their way) if you could help me out with the archived sites, that would be wonderful. What I need is a copy of all the “rejected” sites that are no longer in the main file, to be copy/pasted in the “Grey lines combined” tab (the second tab) in this file:

PPS: would there be someone who would have 10 minutes to help me figure out my problems with Google Meet? I would just need you to sit in front of your camera, so that I can play around with my settings.


Happy to do that! Tomorrow afternoon?

Here is what I see:

  • decision on Mol-01 and Mol-02
  • quick feedback on AND-14 (spoiler - it’s out…) and BER-03
  • update on status of the site without an owner’s contact?
  • attribute somebody to each site that we need to look for the owner of

Anybody sees something else?


Ah and maybe another thing: prioritising the pre-F and F we send to the architects?


And also AND-28 and other little things I’m indicating in pink in the table

Hello @reef-building,

I prepared a draft meeting agenda to my best ability. It’s in the usual meetings document. Please let me know if you would like to add another point, so that we can squeeze it in and prepare for it.

Given that it’s a very dense agenda, it would be great if everybody could prepare their agenda point. It doesn’t need to be much, all we need is you being clear on what you will report and/or which question(s) you would like to ask to the round.

Overall, I would prefer to focus on the most urgent things only, and only after the Fiche Factory fully works, to re-activate things that are sleeping or that can wait. Happy to discuss though.

Practical preparation:

does anybody have access to a professional Zoom account? If not, I created a 40 minute one, but we’ll need at least one more. Could anybody take care of that?

Preparation of the agenda points:

Here’s an overview of the points that would need the presenter to be ready to present: (please feel free to say no of course)

  • MOL-26: @anon78992831 would you like to quickly tell how it went?

  • Two other FS: @sarah, can you prepare something on the state-of-play?

  • PFS, sites that need a quick discussion: @sarah, could you identify the sites beforehand, together with the question to the round

  • Online scouting: @SimonDelch could you bring a quick report on what you agreed in the sub-circle, and how things are going?

  • Scouting: short evaluation + where to scout: following up on an exchange in the Team Building thread (Team Building: getting started - #276 by Sarah), I propose that we do a quick evaluation sociocracy style: what is going well, and what could be improved. Based on that, I reckon we will then be in a better position to identify the places to scout next.
    @anon78992831, can you please save a copy of the mother map in the Fiche Factory > Documentation & admin folder? If you could reflect a bit on the key issues that you confronted as the mother map manager, that would be great too, though no stress.

  • Fiche Factory: I propose we focus on a quick demo, the distribution of responsibility for the different tabs, and a round for questions and comments. If we would run out of time, I would propose that I organise one-on-one meetings for every tab.

“Meetings” agenda point

I would propose that we create a role description for a “meetings manager” and look for a candidate. (that’s a very sociocratic way to basically distribute a task, but hey :sweat_smile:)

Key tasks: (proposal)

  • Schedule meetings (set the dates for a couple of months) and reschedule if there is a conflict
  • Add the meetings to Nextcloud
  • Create a videolink

“Communication” agenda point

I would like to find a way to bring our communication channels a bit more in line with The Reef’s working methods. This could include:

  • The Mystery Whatsapp Group: what’s going on there, and should it be on Edgeryders?

  • The “Team Building: getting started” thread: can we please close this, and start a “Team Building 2024 chitchat” thread?

  • Shall we create a separate thread for all questions related to scoring and another one for all practical stuff around PFS? Or else one for “finding the owner” kind of exchanges, and another one for “this is what happened when we sent it to the architects” stuff

  • Communication with the architects:

    • Where is the document with the questions, and how can we keep it up-to-date in a structured manner?

    • Who are the keyholders who will be communicating with the architects?

    • Shall we try out whether we can exchange with the architects here on Edgeryders?
      This could work as follows:

      • Everybody writes questions in the document and/or in separate threads on Edgeryders
      • The architects get an account, a closed thread, and only the keyholders communicate with them, based on the questions of others.

I have prepared a document (internal link - wasn’t sure where to put it…) with a list of sites. There is quite a lot so I have put in bold the ones that I thought were prioritary in case there is not enough time
@reef-building : can you have a look at the items with your name, potentially write a very brief summary, and/or your questions to the group . With the update on old sites with no contact details, maybe write down where you are at so that we don’t need to discuss it but get an update?


@reef-building I’ve updated the document.

If I got it right, we are starting our meetings at 7pm now right?

Also, regarding the agenda,. I’m not sure what our next steps are for finishing off the fiche factory, but I think it may be a good idea to gather feedback on what is and what isn’t working? But if nobody else has something to share then that can be done on a phone call between Lie and me also…

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that’s also my understanding. And in the reef-calendar it is set for 19:00

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I have some remarks, but not a lot.

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Hello @reef-building,

I am sorry that it took me so long to prepare the agenda. I am completely overwhelmed and I just couldn’t make it happen.

I have prepared a draft agenda to my best ability, but we can of course look at it tonight and see whether you would like to make any changes.

See you tonight at 7!


Hi Team, sorry but Aline and I can not attend this evening finishing too late. Concerning the architects, I think we should let them finish the 2 studies of MOL-26 and JET-14 + send them the sites ready for a PFS. At the moment, I don’t see any urgency for a meeting with them. They will have to visit MOL-26 again and this could be an opportunity to go with them and ask them a series of questions if necessary. Enjoy the meeting !


hi lee,

as i think 'what i have to report on the ‘online searching’ can be done via the forum, and is maybe less urgent than other topics, i posted a message on the online searching thread yesterday evening: Searching for sites online - #72 by els
but if people have specific questions, maybe better to be tackled in the meeting then via the thread…

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Hi all ,

The minutes are ready, here are the action points. I am just a bit unclear on the next steps for the scouting proposal: is it for lie to finish? or Caro and Seb to pick up from now? Or both?

Action points

  • Lie - gather the post-it from the FM meeting
  • Feasibility studies:
    • Sarah - send an email to architects including more info on time needed for feasibility
    • Sarah - communicate to reeflings on time needed for feasibility
    • Lie - liaise with Ugne and Chris about potential “emergency” online plenaries
  • Sarah – deal with action points in “sites to discuss” and re-distribute to point-persons
  • Point persons: liaise and organise
  • Online scouting:
    • Els - tag Caro on Angelika’s post on regie du batiment
    • Els - prepare a report for next meeting
  • Lie and/or Caro+Seb: proposal for scouting
  • Sarah + Sophie - prepare proposal on a new process for PFS
  • Lie - finish table
  • Sophie - Signal group for general quick communication

For the FS “buddy”: just wanted to note that we said one person per site, but we might want to change that to 2, for the 4-eyes principle…


Thanks @Sarah for the sumup !

About @Lee 's task to finish the table : I said I would help her to create a FS’tab, I m on it this weekend.


Hello @reef-building,

I have prepared a first draft of the agenda for the meeting of next Tuesday (20/02). I don’t have a precise overview on where we are with some items, so I made a list that you can then use or not use, as you see fit.

I won’t be there at the meeting, but @els and I are briefly meeting tomorrow to ensure maximum continuity.

Here’s an overview point by point:

Sites to discuss

4 sites are flagged in the table => @sarah could you prepare the question to the round for each of them?

FS: next steps

The objective of this point would be to list in a couple of bullet points what will need to be done when the FS come in, and who will take care of it.

Where to scout

@anon78992831 and @Caro, would you be willing to start a new thread and (at some point) report on where you are with this? I saw a link to the Google Maps experiment, so it thought it would be nice if this could be retrievable on the forum.

Eventually I would like to get to a point where we have an inventory of the zones, neighbourhoods and/or streets that we need to scout, including the zones that haven’t been scouted well.

Scouting strategy #2

Eventually I would like to get to a point where we can present a fully fledged plan to the plenary meeting, including the inventory of what needs to be scouted, and a proposal on how we can get as much scouting as possible with as little frustration as possible.

I’m not sure even getting started on this is in the cards for this meeting, but if you can, I would propose that you see whether it makes sense to create a little helping circle that can prepare something for the next meeting.

PFS process

@Sophie_B and @Sarah, if you would have something to share, can you please add it to the agenda? If not, feel free to scrap the point, but then let’s try to reach consent at the next Team Building meeting at the latest. Would that work?

Le programme: report on the survey

@Sarah there is a link in the agenda, but it doesn’t work. Could you please have a look?

Also: would you be ok to provide a quick report to the meeting?

Online scouting

@els, many thanks for the short report (linked in the agenda)! Up to you to see whether this needs meeting time, or whether the report is enough for now.

In any case: yay for “plan-do-measure”!

Debriefing from the Coordination Group

The full minutes are quite comprehensive (the link is in the agenda), but here are my key take-aways:

  • Team Finance: a loooot of things going on, on statutes and on budget

  • Team Governance: voting manual is in the making

  • Coordinator, Secretary, Team Community and Team Support: regular reports, no real highlights.

  • Coordination Group review: there are meeting notes, but I can’t find them. The executive summary is that we will try to improve the scheduling of the meetings (pre-planned dates), and it won’t be exclusive for Team Coordinators any longer (any Team member who can efficiently report back-and-forth is welcome). We also want to try inviting non-reporting Reeflings (just for the sake of transparency and shared ownership), though setting a maximum number of participants of six per meeting.

Fiche Factory

I listed the following points as things that could be discussed, but up to you of course to see how you want to tackle this:

  • Complete the list of people taking responsibility

  • Planning how to tidy up tabs 2 and 3a

  • Create clarity about tab 3b

  • Agree on how to copy information from one tab to another

  • Discuss what works well and what could be improved

I regret that I can’t be there, but it can’t be helped. Here are a couple of things that I would like to say about this topic:

  • I can see that the current state of the file is sub-optimal to say the least, and I’m open to any suggestion to improve this situation. Personally I think that much of the problems would get solved if we could do the following:

    • Delete the columns that can be deleted (grey text)

    • Agree on a solution for the copy/pasting from data from one tab to another: abondon the automatic copying, so that the tabs 3a, 3b and 4 don’t need all these rows?

    • Finalise the little manual that I created (internal link)

  • I’d also be open to the idea to give up on the different tabs (although I would advise against it), and to go back to an Excel file with about 100 columns.

  • What I would like to achieve is that we get to a table that is easy to read and easy to sort, and that will allow us to quickly identify the sites that we could reconsider. Any way to achieve this is fine with me.


I have updated the usual document (internal link).
We decided at the last meeting that these were going to be taken up by the point personns for each step.
@els and @Sophie_B : can you look at the sites under “screening”, and discuss with the screeners to see what the issue was, and whether it needs to be discussed as a team? And then have somebody prepare a briefing for the team meeting with the discussion points?
(very sorry, I should have done this earlier, as you might not have time to move ahead with this now… Mea culpa)
@anon78992831 : I think Mol-21 was put by you? Do you prefer this to be discussed as a team, or is it for the point person(s) for PFS (Caro)?
Ber-09: does anybody know what is up with this one? What is the question? :sweat_smile:

Done! :white_check_mark:

Also done! And yes.

You do sound like you are open to that! :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
With all the work that has been put into it, and the fact that it puts a lot of structure to the process, personaly I think that’s indeed not the best course of action to let go of the new system. We can make it work.


Hi @reef-building , MOL-21 seems to me to expensive (3,5M), BER-09 may be to small (1517m2) ? Bonne journée !


Ok thanks! So you want us to discuss it tomorrow then? Can you make sure we have data to look at (like maps for instance, or whatever could help the discussion)? Thanks!

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hi @reef-building
concerning the action point ’ prepare a manual on scouting strategy for next plenary (Caro and Seb)’ (discussed on tonights team building meeting)
=> I might have been a bit unclear about that. I meant prepare the strategy, discuss in team building and then go to the plenary. (not go straight away to the next plenary which is next Tuesday).

so next Team building (04/03): proposal with goal to consent on it and then on the plenary of the 19/03, proposal to all reeflings.