Team Communications Kickoff Meeting

Hello team Comms, :drum: :drum:
This is the first forum post of the group.
Following this post
I have created a group in nextcloud and have named @Alexandre and @ThomasMaertens as admins.
Nextcloud shared folder in this link
Let’s meet for an informal chat to kick off the group and decide what we could do next and set a working group practice.
This is an open group and we welcome new members.


You can also now address the whole group like this: @reef-comms .

You can access groups clicking on the hamburger menu next to your avatar and choosing “Groups”. @manuelpueyo is owner of this particular group.

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thanks, good to know

Hello Team Communication Materials,

Great to see that you are meeting up to kick off the work!

When you do, would be willing to have a look at the following items on the to do list?

  • Task 21: create a logo for The Reef. This is not very urgent, but every now and then I could be very useful (e.g. for our page on the New European Bauhaus website, for our open source documents etc).
  • Task 39: a visual on “Who are we?”. This we would need by around mid-September. The way I picture it, it’s a visual consisting of pictures that we can use on the website (to replace the picture of the 4 founding members) and in the Powerpoint for the public presentation.
  • Task 61: flyers and small-sized posters for the new recruitment campaign. These we would need by the beginning of September at the latest.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Hi! Thanks for organising this :slight_smile:
I’ll be away on July 20-23 and 27-31. Most week evenings are ok for me.
When could we meet?

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hello Alexandre, i have created a doodle. let’s see if we can find a moment to meet. i have added an optional place in ixelles. but if you prefer we could also do it online. or any other place.

thanks Lie, one question on this task. can we reuse the latest flyers and poster we printed or we need new designs?

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Hi Manuel,

In principle I think we could use the same design, but at the same time I also think it’s never lost to do a quick evaluation the way it is done in sociocracy, especially now that we have access to the point of view of new people.

This would mean that in the Team you would do a couple of rounds where you ask questions like “does the design reflect the spirit of The Reef?”, “is the text still fit for purpose?” …? And in function of that you could adapt if you think it’s necessary.

My personal opinion (for what it’s worth):

  • I think the coloured design is really appreciated by people. It also attracts the eye (which the current design doesn’t really do when it’s 1 of 50 flyers in a bar).
  • I think there is scope to revise the text on the flyer and bring a punchier message that better reflects that we are very determined to do this.
  • the poster size is good for windows and events, but less useful in bars etc.
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Hello @reef-comms,

Some weeks ago you mentioned the idea to create a post on Linkedin to spread the news in our networks that we are looking for a site.

Is this something that you could possibly still pick up before the Christmas break?

If yes, can you please work together with somebody from Team Building (so we get the right specifications) and possibly also with a native speaker?



hello Lie, thanks for the reminder, it was indeed in the todo list. we put ourselves to work on this

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