Team External: getting started

Hello @reeflings, I want to start a new team called external. This will be the interface of The Reef, taking on tasks like:

  • Public affairs: putting The Reef on the map as a not-for-profit initiative advocating cohousing as a greener, more social and more inclusive way of living in the city. For one, we should engage with potentially sympathetic media like Bruzz and Médor.
  • Engaging with the neighborhood in Jette, making sure we are not “parachuted” as a fancy initiative that people do not want, but rather are seen as friendly neighbours and full participants in the life of the quartier.
  • Engaging with the commune de Jette, making sure they maintain a positive view of our project.
  • Engaging with the cohousing movement in Brussels/Belgium/Europe/planet Earth, support it where we can.

The first step is going to be a kick-off meeting to discuss roles, draft an activity plan and a budget that we will need to go to the plenary with.

I am looking for volunteers, so step forward if this sounds like something you could be doing in The Reef. Francophones and native Belgians are especially welcome. I already proposed that @manuelpueyo, @AlinT and @SophieC join, though I appreciate they might be committed to other teams as well.


I might have a contact with Bruzz via a friend…


Great objectives…I’ll be happy to contribute to that - specially on the local anchoring !


OK, let’s kick off then. I am sorry, but in the next two weeks I can only offer Thursday 13th June night. We could do in-person (would be nice, since it’s a kickoff and some of us have never worked together before) or online (also acceptable for me). Calling @manuelpueyo @AlinT @SophieC and anyone else wants in.

Are you willing to take part in the kickoff meeting of Team External on Thursday, June 13th, evening at 19.00 or 20.00?
  • I can make it, and prefer it to be in person
  • I can make it, and prefer it to be online
  • Can’t make it at all, sorry.
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Hello @Tinne!

I’m a bit behind on the teams set-up, but I’ve seen that you were interested in joining this team. If that’s still the case, please don’t hesitate to join in!

Hello @Lee and @alberto !

I’d be happy to join this team. I’m a native Belgian and fluent in French and Dutch. However, Thursday 13 is hard for me as I pick up my daughter at 19:30. Could try participate online with her after 20:15, or join the next meeting. Let me know how I can participate best. (best times for meetings; free on Wednesdays, every other weekend, and online after 21:30). I am happy to fulfill any task on the to-do list…Tinne


You are hired. :smiley: Let me figure out how to deal with the kickoff.

I’ve a suggestion…if meeting in person is still the option (but not possible with everyone … :thinking:).
It’s linked to the idea of local anchoring (although we have time for that…).
This Thursday, le Ploef (associative cafe) is open from 6pm. At 8,30, there is an impro Jazz session…
But probably, too much at once! :upside_down_face:

Koen is also happy to join, he is moving to Brussels next month.


Great idea :slight_smile:

If we start at 7PM, sounds good for me because we will have one hour and half before the beginning of the concert. After, it could be hard to discuss with the noise maybe?

sounds good!

I like the way you think! But for the first meeting, it’s more important to get everyone on the same page. How about: we all meet Thursday, but online and at 21.30. This means @Tinne can be there, and @manuelpueyo can go to his class. Would this work for you, Sophie?

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Of course, it’s works !

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it works for me, thanks!

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OK, let’s do it! @reef-external , expect a link invitation from me.

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Here is the agenda for our kickoff meeting.

  1. Team mission: a round of ideas.
  2. Engaging with the neighbour, round 1 (this is about a very nice email we received from a neighbour called Kim, you can see it in the common mailbox).
  3. Budget (we need one)
  4. Assigning tasks
  5. Selection of a coordinator

The link is here and also on the calendar event.

Paging @reef-external


Hello @alberto. When I open your like, OpenTalk want I choose an option contrat… Is it normal?
The previous meetings I did with the Reef, I had only to clik on the link and is was enough.

It’s a wrap! Thank you @reef-external, great meeting. The minutes are here.

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Hi all!
Really love the look and purpose of this team!
I am very tempted to join, but I’m not sure that I have the time capacity… But will keep an eye on what you guys are doing, and would love to br pinged to go and talk to people in the meantime!


Here’s three new tasks for @reef-external. Grateful if one of you could look at them, I am swamped. Thanks!

  1. Create an introduction in French and in Dutch (maybe based on the brochure?). We will put it on the website somehow, in order to be more friendly to the neighborhood.

  2. Book, organize and man a The Reef stand at Salon de l’Habitat groupé. This happens on September 28. Instructions and information in the email we received from them (copied below for your convenience).

Organizing a stand for The Reef at Salon de l'Habitat Groupé (in French)


Au cours des derniers mois, vous avez placé une annonce sur notre site “” (ou un des membres de votre habitat groupé/participatif). Ceci dans le but de trouver un(e) nouveau-elle cohabitant(e) candidat(e) à vous rejoindre, et/ou pour faire connaître votre souhait d’agrandir, modifier, changer la structure de celui-ci.

Je vous contacte suite à votre annonce pour vous proposer de tenir un stand « bourse à projets » - gratuit - lors de notre salon de l’habitat groupé. L’idée est de rassembler plusieurs projets d’habitats groupés/participatifs à différents stades de développement et de faire découvrir votre projet à un public large. Cela vous permettra peut-être de trouver de nouveaux candidats à vous rejoindre, voire de débuter une nouvelle expérience de vie avec eux !

Notre salon se déroulera à Ciney au centre culturel (Place Roi Baudouin 1, 5590 Ciney) le samedi 28 septembre 2024 à partir de 15h, heure d’ouverture des stands. Ceux-ci seront suivi par un speed-dating géant (un moment idéal pour se rencontrer !), un apéro convivial, un spectacle d’improvisation participatif et une soirée festive. Des vélo-tours et ateliers décentralisés dans des habitats groupés seront au programme de la matinée.

Pour les informations pratiques :

  • Les stands seront tenus de 15h à 17h par une ou deux personnes maximum.

  • Nous mettons à votre disposition une table, quatre chaises, un accès à l’électricité et à internet.

  • Vous devez amener votre rallonge électrique si besoin. Libre à vous d’amener votre matériel (photos, maquette, plans, documentation, etc.). Une grille d’affichage peut également être mise à disposition sur demande.

  • Suite à votre inscription via le formulaire : un ticket au food-truck et deux boissons vous seront également offerts et nous vous enverrons des informations complémentaires (montage et démontage des stands, etc.).
    Si nous recevons votre inscription avant fin juillet , H&P vous offre un deuxième ticket food-truck et deux autres boissons. Bien anticiper nous facilitera l’organisation !

  • Habitat et Participation relaiera l’information au travers de plusieurs médias mais aussi via ses propres canaux (site, agenda, FB, etc.).

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer durant cette belle journée !

Benoît de Ronde

  1. Address the request from Wooncoop to have us share our database of sites with them (also came by email). The advantages are that we want to support cooperative housing in Belgium; the disadvantage is that it would be more open to publish everything online, but I am not sure we have capacity (plus there are data protection and privacy issues to consider).
Email from Wooncoop (in Dutch)

(from: Norbert Segers)

Ik kreeg je email-adres via samenhuizen, en ik wist al wel van jullie project - the reef.

Wooncoop vlaanderen wil ook in Brussel starten. We hebben al een heel aantal kandidaat-bewoners-coöperanten verzameld, en ook Tatibah, een Brussels woongroep die kiest voor coöperatief/ecologisch/solidair, heeft zich bij wooncoop aangesloten.

Ikzelf coördineer het initiatief van wooncoop in Brussel.

Wij zijn dus op zoek naar een site, een pand waar we een cohousing project met minimaal 10, maar liever een 20tal wooneenheden kunnen realiseren.

Ik las dat jullie een bod gedaan hebben op een site, en dat het aanvaard werd: proficiat!

Klopt het dat jullie nog andere sites in de pijplijn hadden, en zelfs een databank met mogelijke opportuniteiten?

Ik zou graag met jullie daarover eens samenzitten. Zijn jullie bereid die informatie te delen, om zo eventueel een andere woongroep verder te helpen?

Vriendelijke groeten,


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