Team Finance: General affairs 2024

hi @reef-finance, hi @LuciaM

Starting a new thread to have more structure. Quick agenda for tonight’s meeting at 7pm. I tried to put everything i found , but there might be a few points missing.


Hi @reef-finance
Minutes of today’s meeting. Thanks!

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hi @reef-finance

Sorry to be absent in the last week. As for tomorrow’s meeting, here is the agenda. I tried to put everything i found , but there might be a few points missing.

hi @reef-finance
Our next meeting is next Wednesday, 12 June and here is the agenda
Can you please have a look and see whether I am missing something. I feel we might need more calculation for JET-14, but perhaps I am wrong.

@RichardB , there is one point for you & us together to discuss that should go to Monday, 17 June plenary as a brief summary on 2%-4% addition for the new joiners.

Hello Ugne, I’ve added a first draft of the unit markup proposal here: Login – Nextcloud
Ideally, we discuss and finish this during next Wednesday’s call.
@reef-finance I welcome you all participating in the review. Don’t hesitate to mention what you consider a fair markup.


Hi Ugne,
Thank you for the agenda.
I have added some points.

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hi @reef-finance
Apologies for not being present much the last week. Still want crazy week and i will have more time.
On Monday (July 1st) plenary we are reporting on January-June 2024 budget and presenting the budget estimations of July - December 2024.
Can you please check my ppt (adjusted budget) and see whether it makes sense? It is based on the estimation doc here.


Hi Ugne, thank you I just went through the ppt. One question concerns the estimated budget fo the second half 2024 (slide 6). I notice it differs from the budget file on nextcloud: Nextcloud
Perhaps you are excluding costs that are attributable to the SoSim ? Team Finance mentions 242 € for the coming 6 months. Is that enough, or is the idea that we can consume the budget from the first six months that we have not used up?

Hi @RichardB
Good catch. I have reworked the presentation and added 10 000 for July-December Team Finance budget, given we will probably have to pay the notary fee (on 15 December 2024) + accord cardre modification fees etc. If you check the doc now, you should see the changes.

Ok looks very good! I took the liberty an already put the link to your ppt into tomorrow’s agenda :slight_smile:

perfect, i did as well, so should be somehow there :slight_smile:

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