Team Finance: getting started

Yup! Had not seen a link to accept. Will be there

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And it’s a wrap! Thanks everyone. @Mas, can you ping me here or via Nextcloud’s chat when you upload the notes? I volunteer to turn them into minutes if need be.

I followed up on all my tasks:

  • Cohousing Projects: they are willing to meet up online. The link to book an appointment is in the Nextcloud chat.
  • Okelaar / info on cooperatives: email sent - will keep you posted.
  • Student’s thesis about legal constructions: I added the file to the Books and manuals folder and will see whether I can bring myself to read it (it’s only 80 pages).

On information about cooperatives I found out that it’s a bit of a rabbit hole, but that there are quite some resources available:

  • Cera Coop offers training courses (in FR and NL) about setting up a cooperative
  • Coopkracht is a network for cooperative entrepreneurs in Flanders. They offer quite some resources for free on their website (in NL)
  • Febecoop is a knowledge center for cooperatives in Flanders and Brussels. They offer training courses, publications and consulting.

About legal structures : Casa Nova created a Foundation, separate from the cohousing. It manages activies and link with the neighbourhood, and rents out the cohousing’s common rooms : Casa Nova – Fondation et salle polyvalente’.


Minutes and notes (thanks @Mas) are online in this folder.

I also created decks for the main tasks.

Hello @reef-finance, as our second meeting draws near, I would like to flag two things:

  • Pre-proposal for the confesseur process ready.
  • I saw @GiuSeb’s convention document, but it was created in a way that it is not commentable.

To see my comments, in the workspace navigate to Deck => Team Finance, or to Activity => Deck, that shows the latest changes made to Deck cards:

I have tried to use deck cards to organize this phase of collaboration in Team Finance, but I am not sure how you get notifications, because that depends on your notification settings. To make sure you would see this in time, I am also pinging you through the forum. Sorry for the many notifications! As our processes are not hardened yet I prefer to err on the side of too much communication. As we get the hang of this, the volume of notifs will subside.

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Hey @alberto

I’m not clear on how to use the decks, I’m sorry.
But if you can tell me where/how to save the convention document, I’m happy to do that.


Try here: Login – Nextcloud

thanks @alberto!

Actually, Giulia, yesterday I had some time, so I already downloaded your document, re-uploaded it in that folder and made some comments.

ok. Thanks

I got more information about Casa Nova’s foundation, how it was/is financed, how it articulates with the building in co-ownership. I just won’t have time to type/translate it before next week.

It seems I still haven’t had time to type the information about Casa Nova. I’ll do that when I’m back from holiday, after Sept. 25th.

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@reef-finance : the architects have gotten back with the quote we asked for. See mail box > Folder Architects Stekke+Fraas > [3]3 messages in conversationJET14 - EF version 2 / 190324 of 22/03

Also we are thinking it might be good to ask them for quaterly updates? If yes, could you be responsible to asking the keyholders to ask for it when the time is due?

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yes, will make a note to ask team building (to ask architects) at the end of June.

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hi @reef-finance
We haven’t met tonight, but here was the agenda
Could you please have a look and see whether we can agree online to advance certain things, like sending questions to notary or fixing a meeting with Triodos (if we are ready). An update on the confesseurs process is that whoever went through the process, got A, so nothing to report.
If need be, will reschedule the meeting.
Let’s talk soon.

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Notary: the questions make sense. I am sure more questions will come, but that’s no reason to hold offon these ones. Let’s send them.

Triodos: I have not seen summarized information about who’s going with them and who is not. It should be easy to do a poll, though, again, this is not going to be complete since the group itself is not complete.

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Hi @reef-finance
Thanks, @alberto for the answers. In this case, will send the questions to the notary as they stand here
Triodos questions - lets wait & ok for the poll.

Something important came up yesterday during the coordination meeting:

  • Next Wed, 10 April during the plenary - we need to present the quarterly budget update (January -March 2024). I can look at what was foreseen, but could somebody do the extract of what was spent by team? see the presentation i have started here.


There is still Lie‘s question on the qualified majority of SocSim‘s general assembly that we need to include in the questions to the notary. I had agreed with Sarah to translate it into French this weekend if you can wait until then.

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I have inserted a profit loss statement for Q1 on slide 3, please have a look and let me know if any comments.

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