Team Inclusion: getting started

Don’t worry, it’s not always on Wednesdays, we usually do a poll (see a few posts up).

I didn’t yet, because I realised that I’m unsure about what it is that we want. So I have a couple of people in mind who I think could be potential investors, but when playing the scenario in my head, I realised that we also don’t quite know what it is that we can propose to them. So I would rather talk about that first during the meeting.


Thanks, Sophie.
I just added a few points to the list.

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I am trying to find the link to join the meeting, but no success. Help please.

Hey @Mas, picking up on Lie’s question as you weren’t at the team inclusion meeting tonight. Can you please clearly say (yes or no) whether you will be attending meetings from team inclusion in the future (and if the answer is yes and you can’t make it, put your name under “excused” in the agenda?). Thanks a lot!

Hello @reef-inclusion, one last message before the Christmas break: Let’s find a date for our next meeting at the beginning of January. The idea is to come up with a plan on what steps we need to take/questions we need to answer before we can talk to investors (to get ready to purchase a site by March 2023) and prepare for a meeting with a cross-team task force.
Team finance has already put quite some thought into this question: Creating an "investor profile" for The Reef - #12 by Lee
Here is the poll:

6th meeting
  • 3 January
  • 4 January
  • 5 January
  • 6 January
  • 8 January
  • 11 January
  • 12 January
  • 16 January
  • 17 January
0 voters

And now: Happy holidays :evergreen_tree: :clinking_glasses:

Hey @Lee and @Celine_D, I set the poll to end in 3 days time - when would you be available for a team inclusion meeting? Hope you had a nice Christmas :slight_smile:

Hey Sophie! I find it very hard to answer without timeslots, could you specify?

There is a poll just above :slight_smile:

Hi @Sophie_Beese,
Apologies for the late reply. I’m not available very often, so feel free to go ahead without me.
As for Céline’s comment, what I think she refers to is the absence of a specific time in the poll.

Yes, indeed, thanks @Lee . E.g. I might be available at 8 pm on a given day, although not at 6 pm…

Oh, sorry @Celine_D - let’s make it 8pm (as a general rule) then. Would the 5th or 8th of January work for you?

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Thank you everyone from @reef-inclusion, we have a date: the 5th of January :slight_smile:
Here is a draft agenda for the meeting, feel free to add to it and make changes.
I have shamelessly stolen a document that Lie prepared for the bilateral to get us going on what inclusion approach to present to the entire Reef and on gaining clarity about what to tell potential investors. Likewise, don’t hesitate to add to it!


Hello @reef-inclusion,

I have written a short note (“Inclusion in The Reef” - internal link) that aspires to summarize everything we have discussed so far. My hope is that this will help to set the scene for the meeting with the guys from Team Finance and Legal. Please feel free to make edits and/or insert comments as you see fit.

Who will be attending the meeting with Team Finance tomorrow? It would be great if there would be at least two people, cause I will be leaving the Team right after that meeting.

Thank you Lie, you’re a star!
As far as I am aware, I’m the only one from team inclusion signed up for tonight.

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Hey shrunk @reef-inclusion, I attended the cross-team task force with Vicky and Richard from team finance yesterday. Most tasks that Lie mentionned in her document have been taken up by team finance/legal (investors as members of asbl: yes or no, maximum term and rent for tenants, return on investment). It was also confirmed that a bigger unit will be difficult to implement (organisations who could finance it will need much more precise information than we can provide them with at the moment). The idea therefore would be to pick our brains on organisations we want to work with when renting out the studios - this would make it easier for people to picture the inclusive units (in terms of “target audience”) and easier to agree to a proposal which we’re supposed to present at the plenary on the 22nd of February (as agreed on in the coordination meeting tonight).
What are your thoughts on this? Do you want to have a quick meeting to distribute tasks/get started on the proposal or can we do this on this thread?

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Do we need to discuss together some more “in questionning” points? (like brainstorming a bit before the proposal for the 22nd?)
After the meeting with tea finance, what are the tasks left for now that inclusion team would take?

I’ve assumed that the “rooms” that would be rented to elderly people would have been IF we would have been into creating a big collective unit.

The one task left for team inclusion in Lie’s document is “How many inclusive units would we like to have?” but I guess adding “Which organisations (and hence target audiences) could we work with?” might also be worth bringing to the plenary.

Ping @Laurianne, @Lara and (tentatively) @Lee: I have started working on the proposal on inclusion for the plenary on the 22nd. Would you be willing to have a look and comment on it/add things/delete passages? Some paragraphs are from Lie’s document on inclusion, I hope that is ok with you, Lie (I have mentioned you as an author, no plagiarism ;))? Would you say we need a more general introduction (like the first page of said document) or is the proposal already too long? What about the level of importance - is it actually reversible?
And finally: Do you think it would be useful to contact the/some organisations at this point in time? I’d be happy to prepare a first draft e-mail.

@VickyVanEyck and @RichardB - I know that Team Finance is super busy at the moment - if you have the chance to look into the question of investors, feel free to add to that section (for now, I have simply copy pasted Lie’s questions there).

Thank you everyone :slight_smile:

P.S.: @Laurianne any luck with your friend from Habitat et Participation? :slight_smile:


Count on me!

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