Team Inclusion: getting started

Here is the poll : Framadate


Thanks Laurianne! @Celine_D and @Mas can you please have a look?

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Hello Laurianne and all,

did you know you can create a poll directly in here? In the editor, click on the cog icon to the right, then select “Build poll”.

  • I like dogs
  • I like cats
  • I like octopi
0 voters
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I didn’t, thank you for the tip!

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@Laurianne, can you make yourself available on 3 November (I’m not sure how to interpret your poll), or should we launch a new poll and look in the week after that?

I should know by tomorrow maximum ! :confused:

Actually I can confirm now so meeting on Thrusday the 3rd at 7pm it is ! :slight_smile:


Ping @reef-inclusion: Thursday 3 November at 7 pm it is!

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Here’s my proposal for the draft agenda:

  • Selection of a Team Leader and a Facilitator
  • The budget until June 2023
  • Discussion of the input received at the plenary meeting of 12/10
  • Making it happen:
    • Things to do to attract individual investors
    • Things to do partner up with organisations
  • Checklist to purchase a site

@Sophie_Beese: can you please share the link to the document you prepared for the selection process?


Here is the link (sorry, I haven’t had time to update the document yet):

I’m trying to connect… Zoom doesn’t seem to be working…

It works for us. Maybe if you reboot your computer?

Hello @reef-inclusion :slight_smile:
I have started a document in which to collect both co-housings doing inclusion as well as organisations we might want to sollicit.
@Lee do you think it would be worth contacting habitat et participation to ask whether they know of more (French speaking) co-housings with inclusive units?



@Mas, I asked the question in the Signal chat but maybe you didn’t see it. At some point you hinted that you preferred to prioritise Team Finance (which is fine). Would it please be possible to provide us with some clarity on whether you’d like to stay on Team Inclusion yes or no? Thanks a lot!

@Sophie_Beese: Do we have an agenda for next week’s meeting?

I got a little overwhelmed with other stuff, so I won’t manage to make much progress on the two-pager pitch that I promised to prepare.

If this would be the same for the others, maybe we can postpone the meeting until after 28/11, so we can invite all the new Reeflings in one go and put them up to speed about what we’re doing?

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Hi @Lee and the others from @reef-inclusion, of course, I didn’t think of the fact that the new Reeflings would be joining so shortly afterwards.

On the agenda, I pictured

  1. Going through the list of organisations and cohousings doing inclusion and deciding how and in what order to contact them (no news from Habitat et Participation so far)
  2. Going through the pitch
  3. Looking at the checklist to purchase a site to see what team inclusion needs to do to make it happen
    (4. select a secretary?)

Here is a poll to select a new date (let me know if you prefer a different time):

  • 29.11 7pm
  • 30.11 7pm
  • 1.12 7pm
  • 2.12 7pm
  • 7.12 7pm

0 voters

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Hello @reef-inclusion, looks like we have three dates that suit 4 people (I can’t see who voted what, still learning about the poll tool, if someone has not voted yet, please let me know). If you agree, I suggest we meet on the 7.12 to give exploring members a little bit more time to find their way to team inclusion :slight_smile:


Thanks Sophie. I agree, but may be a bit late that day (no more than 15 minutes).

Just to be sure I got it right, @reef-inclusion : tonight’s meeting is cancelled, isn’t it?