Team IT questions and updates

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I would like to start a new newletter called “The Reef’s Open Knowledge”, which I would like to start after my presentation next week at the sociocracy conference.

The idea would be that people from all over the world can register, and that we would send out a newsletter 2-3 times per year with an update on a couple of “Open Knowledge” posts on our forum.

Would you be willing to help me with this?

hello @Lee ! with pleasure, which email you would like to send the newsletter from? your personal email or other?

From The Reef’s protonmail if possible. Thanks Manuel!

i dont think you can send newsletters from protonmail.

we send the newsletters from Mailjet. an email delivery service that is alternative to Mailchimp. Protonmail i am not familiar with but i dont think is the same tool. You need

  • your own email list : a container for the emails and names of your subscribers

  • you need a page to collect the emails

  • an editor to edit the emails (words and-or images)

I can set you up your mailjet list and i can explain you how to edit and send email if you wish

I’d be very grateful if you could help me with this. I’m IT-illiterate like you can’t imagine.

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hello @Lee
I think its a great idea i would be happy to help! maybe you could start with an edgerydiders new page that would some how serve as landing page.

title of the newsletter

lead paragrah: a catchy summary

about the author

what is in it for the reader? why to signup

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I’ll try to take care of that tonight or tomorrow.

Would you already have the link to the registration page?

Thanks so much for your help!

cool!! . here is the link to subscribe to your list

please give it a test and see what happens and send me suggestions to improve it.

<iframe data-w-type="embedded" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="" width="100%" style="height: 0;"></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I created a new category and added the link to the newsletter in the description at the top of the page: The Reef's Open Knowledge - Edgeryders

I tried to register myself, but it didn’t go fully as I expected:

  1. Gmail sent it to my spam
  2. The sender of the confirmation was my first name (and not “The Reef’s Open Knowledge”)

Could you please have a look?

ok. i will have a look at those 2 points. indeed we have an issue with delivery of emails newsletter due to a recent change of the domain "
" to a new domain provider. i just found this out!

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@lee i think i have fixed the issues. could you sign up again to the list with another email? let me know

Hi Manuel,

I registered with another address and didn’t get any confirmation. Can you please check?


Hello @manuelpueyo,

I sent you an email with some minor feedback on the newsletter (a couple of line breaks missing).

The Open Knowledge newsletter confirmation for which I registered with my protonmail (as a second email, as you requested), also went to my spam. Could you please have a look at this?

Thanks a lot!

Hello @Lee thank you for your feedback. very much appreciated,

I dont think there is a problem anymore with delivery. i have tested with two of my emails one hosted in microsoft and another gmail and it worked fine,

If you want to make sure try again with other people, but from my side i see everything is fine, cheers!

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Hi there @reef-it,

Working side by side with Chris, we think we are seeing some glitches in nextcloud; the collaborative system doesn’t seem to work well when using the app.
When we are working on the same document at the same time, me online and Chris on the desktop app, it seems that my changes get saved, and when Chris closes his document, he gets asked if he wants his change to be made, and that my changes would be lost if he did that… That could be a real problem if people have worked a lot in different places in a document, and can’t really remember what they have edited to be able to do it again afterwards…
I guess a solution could be to always use track changes when working on the app, but then people need to be aware of that.

And there is another problem: there is quite a lag between Chris saving his changes and the changes appearing online. Which means that I could start working on the document again before his changes were saved, and that overrode his version of the document.

Bottom line is that two people can’t work on the same document at the same time online and on the app. Not sure if that works the same with two people on the app?

And I can see Alberto telling me “get the app already”. Right? :upside_down_face: But then I would need to be sure that two people working on the app at the same time works! Otherwise we just have to actually all be online on collaborative documents!

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hello, I have no experience with this. I am happy to organise a test with 3 or 4 people working on the same doc at the same time and see how it works. maybe we can bring our computers to the dinner tonight and do a test

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Missed this message, but yes, good idea to make a test. Maybe at the plenary on 1st of july?

On that note, I noticed that there are now several calendars for the reef, which means that the plenary has disapeared from my google calendar for now.
@reef-it : I don’t find the post were it was explained how to add a calendar to your apps. Could you share that again, tagging everybody maybe?
@Lee : could it be an option to keep plenarys and full members meeting in the same calendar as before? I already have so many colours on my calendar… :sob:

Here. The search bar is your friend: search for “calendar”, if you want to be surgical also add the tag reef-it .

But there is a problem: Lie created the new calendars, so I cannot publish them. She has to do it. Since she is on a break, no use tagging her here, maybe send her a signal message? Instructions for publishing calendars here:

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i am not sure yet i will come to the plenary. any other moment for you even during the day? we can do it online with video

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i used to be able to create events but i can’t create “The Reef meeting” events anymore. i dont know what happened

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