Team IT questions and updates

Ok, I’ll do this quickly

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Not sure where to put this, so I’ll try here…
Would it be possible and desirable to have personnal folders on next cloud???
Just to keep resources we might come across, order our thoughts, etc… and have it available on different devices… Is it ok to just create that in nextcloud if I need it, and how to keep it available only for me?

That’s definitely possible :slight_smile: As long as you don’t put the files you create under the folder “The Reef Shared Folder”, these files will be visible only to you.

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@Sarah, just for clarity: there is no need to create a folder. The “Documents” folder that you see on your “Files” homepage is accessible to you alone. Only folders with a white horizontal “V” are shared folders.


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Ok!! Thanks for these clarification guys!

Hey guys,

I have 2 questions …

Groupings for Teams

@alberto: could you please give me a hand with the updating of the groupings for the different Teams? Here’s the internal link to the source file.

Losing data on Nextcloud

We now have two clear cases where we lost data on Nextcloud:

  1. The members registry, where we lost a couple of national registration numbers
  2. The budget until April 2023, where we lost the input from Team IT

So far we managed to retrieve the information with our minds, but I’m a bit concerned about the future. If information can disappear without any documentation, then I’m not sure I would feel comfortable to save for instance legal documents here where every word matters.

Would you be willing to look into this and see what happened?

Hi @reef-it,

Today I bumped into a new glitch, which is making me feel really worried now.

I was working on the to do list, and found that the version that is on Nextcloud is not at all the latest one.

Could you please have a look at this?


Hi @reef-it
Apparently you"re already aware that there is a notification problem on edgeryders, but I thought I would flag that there also is a messaging problem… I’ve sent a private message to “reef-governance”, through a conversation that we already started a while ago, and it didn’t go through… And I tried sending it twice.

Ok, let’s start here. I am trying to reproduce the problem. I sent a DM to @reef-governance. The message did go through (, and the notification appears (below). However, it does seems like no email notifications have been sent since November 24th. Investigating. @Sarah:

  1. Can you see the notifications for my test messages upon visiting to Edgeryders?
  2. Did you receive an email notif too?

It seems that you restarted the list. There is now a file called “glitched version”, which, I assume, is the old list, renamed. I assume it because the current list has no version history.

Looking at the the glitched version, I see that someone applied a filter for Team Logistics task (about filters in OnlyOffice, same as in Excel). I have now removed the filter in the glitched version. @Lee can you please check if the problem has gone away?

No to both :open_mouth:
And I didn’t get the message :dizzy_face:

For the email though, I’ve changed my parameters. And I get a weird message also :

I’m on my phone though, I’ll try and check on my computer…

Hello @reef-it,

Following up to the plenary meeting, would you be willing to take care of helping out people (beginners and advanced users) with their discovery of Nextcloud and Edgeryders?


Yes! The question is how. The webinar failed. In Wave 1, the offer of one-on-ones also failed. So I am not clear how to proceed.

Personnaly, I think I would quite like a webinar, just maybe with a bit more notice, and/or a doodle?
And as Lie suggested, I think that it would be nice to have two different seminar, one with the essentials to navigate the tools efficiently, and another for more advanced feature…


I agree with Sarah. The webinar failed, but then it was a bit short notice and apparently some people were also struggling to find their way to the forum. So maybe it could be two webinars, one for beginners one for advanced users, scheduled in a couple of weeks?


I am happy to contribute as trainer if you need a hand

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Is it only me or is NextCloud down?

@reef-it : I can’t opnen documents in nextclouds, they directly go to download, which is not super convenient… Any reason for that? Can I do anything?

Yes, the reason is explained here: Plenary meeting 10/01/2023 - #12 by alberto. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for now. Tab.Digital replied to my ticket, but they proposed a solution that did not work, so I followed up and now they know they have to do more.


Hello @reef-it,

Here’s a couple of questions:

  • When you have a moment, would somebody be willing to remove all the Nextcloud accounts we no longer need? Here’s a link to a document with all of our current members.
  • Is there any news about the OnlyOffice bug? And if not, @manuelpueyo, would you be willing to write a short post about what you explained to me about the Nextcloud app?
  • Would anybody be willing to relaunch this idea of an IT webinar?

Thanks a lot!

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