Team IT questions and updates

this is done !

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yes. i will actually record a small video demo

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Calling all @reeflings: you can once again use OnlyOffice on our NextCloud for online editing. After some convincing, Tab.Digital fixed the issue. It is now working as normal for me.


is this clear enough?

Thanks a ton @manuelpueyo!

I’d maybe add an introductory sentence to explain the why, for nitwits like me? Something à la “If you would like to get rid of the hassle of downloading and re-uploading documents from and to Nextcloud, you can install a Nextcloud client on your computer so that all documents are synched automatically.”?

And maybe you could add a link to the web page where people can download the Nextcloud client?


@reef-it , could this issue be back? I’m logged in and able to navigate in the folders on nextcloud, but when I try to open a document I get “ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin”. Is it just me having this issue?

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Hello @reef-it !
I am wondering whether nextcloud is down? I tried to use it on 2 computers, and I can access the file location sections, but when I try to open the document, it just doesn’t work


hi sarah, it works with it’s definetely not down, try to download the doc. try another browser if you have one installed,
you can call me if the thing persists

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Hi @reef-it,

Just a question: do you think it could be an idea to purchase a Zoom subscription? It costs 139 euro per year. I notice that for people with less stable internet connections Jitsi doesn’t really work, which can be rather burdensome to have a meeting. If we would have our own subscription, anybody could create a link without having to bother you.

What do you think?

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Hi! My personal preference is jitsi and saving those euros :grinning:. The logic with jitsi is different than zoom: there are plenty of jitsi servers that you can use for free if the server in question is being used by a lot of people at the same time you need to move to another server, (handy hack:),

I don’t think it depends on the quality of the internet connection at the client level. because here in belgium we have pretty good internet

If you want I can create a list of servers to move to if they are slow
 it would be the facilitator role to switch to another server on the go

Anyway if this seems too complicated, for coordination i don’t mind purchasing a zoom subscription,

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Hi @reef-it, under our add for the presentation on Habitat et Participation someone posted “Liens vers infectĂ© selon mon antivirus.” What do I reply to reassure them? Thank you :slight_smile:

It’s probably just the redirect. Tell them to try the non-redirected links, for example key documents: Cohousing The Reef's key documents. Or just the Blueprint: Nextcloud.

Thanks! They’re referring to our website (Edgeryders | Start) that’s mentioned in the description, not sure they need to have access to the key documents yet. Should I just repost this link?

Then try this: instead of

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Hello @reef-it,

It seems like funny things are happening on Nextcloud. There was a folder that changed places (no trace in the activity log), my NVC Powerpoint got corrupted, and Chris reports that he kept being thrown out of a document that he was working on.

Not sure there is much you can do right now, but I wanted to flag it anyway.


thanks. listening :ear:. I hope no work got lost

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Hello @reef-it,

Having lost all my bookmarks after my laptop died, I realised it’s not so straightforward to figure out how to find the entry point to Nextcloud :blush:.

Could you help me to clarify the exact “tabdigital 301 whatever” URL, so that I can add it to the Onboarding Manual and the Nextcloud manual?


i think it would be a good idea to ask if a custom URL is possible , something like

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Thanks a lot @manuelpueyo. Would you know whether there are any known compatibility problems between the Nextcloud desktop app and Windows 11?

Since I have a new computer it takes way too long to open a document. Half of the times it even generates an error message and I can’t open the document. And when I open a document, and somebody else opens it online, the syncing goes haywire.

Would you possibly know more?