Team Logistics, schedule meeting asap

Hi team logistics,

I suggest we schedule a call asap to reorganize ourselves and especially discuss and take decisions on the topics that Lie raised here Questions to Team Logistics.

@MariaClaudia @ClaudiaPr @Dave_Starhawk

Can you please respond to this Doodle asap?


hi @Lara, thanks for organizing. I checked the doodle, I’m available on the the 30th and the 1st but from 8.30 pm. In any case, regarding my availability, I’m currently trying to support team building where we have limited teams members and if you agree I’m gonna to withdraw from team logistic. I’ve updated the gsheet @Lee created. Thanks


Okido. No need to participate at the meeting then.

Hey you all…

I’ve just replied.
Personally, I would prefer Thursday 02.



Hey @Dave_Starhawk and @ClaudiaPr,

Thanks for filling in the Doodle this quickly!

Our online meeting will take place on Thursday 2nd of February at 19.30.

3 points:

  1. I just tried to add the meeting to the calendar, but no succes. Can you please try? (If you can create an event, please also add the Zoom meeting details below.)
    Calendar: Nextcloud

  2. Zoom Meeting:
    Please be on time! I will open the room 10min before the meeting time.

Meeting ID: 720 4918 2260
Passcode: 9BW51d

  1. I created a document called “Agenda and minutes 2023 - Team Logistics”. Please take a look and add agenda points, questions, issues or concerns you’d like to raise, etc. I already started. (The document needs reformatting, etc.)
1 Like


I have penciled it in.
Is it just me and you Lara?

It should be you, @ClaudiaPr and me.
I just managed to create a calendar entry and you should have received an email invitation. Please can you make sure to prepare for the meeting by adding your agenda points etc. to the above document that I created? Thanks.

Im in the meeting.
There does not seem to be anyone there.

Same here.

We need to wait for Lara to open the meeting.
Its fine. I’m happy to wait a bit.

Have you been in contact with Lara?

Only through this platform for the moment.

I have sent her a message on Signal.

I’ll give it until 2000.
If nothing changes then we can simply just plan something else.

No worries from my side.

How about we try and meet on Sunday or something?
Maybe around 1600.

Kind regards,


So sorry. Just talked to Claudia on the phone. Cat emergency. (Lost :frowning: )
I’m joining NOW.

@Dave_Starhawk @ClaudiaPr i opened the meeting room again. time limit of Zoom