Hi Lee, I have already sent out the reminder mail this morning. Normally they should already be aware of that, because we have put that clearly in our communication… I would not send another mail… but no strong feelings.
A couple of updates:
We did have a meeting planned for 20 April, because we thought that it would coincide with a bunch of applications (I can’t remember why?). As this is not the case, I have opted for that evening to run a Q&A session for Exploring Members.
But we should probably meet soon…
Also, as we’ve committed to the presentation route, we will need to keep them rolling as often as possible. I spoke to Lee last night and she only has a very small window of availability at the beginning of next month, which is 3 April (a Thursday). As the exploring membership phase is only 14 days now, there won’t be any overlap. I’ve taken the liberty of contacting Victor at Miro to ask for the room.
I’m still in favour of doing a presentation in Jette, but it will require a bit more planning and organisation than usual, and there won’t be time before this one
OK to cancel our meeting on 20 April.
I agree that we have to meet soon. Is the plenary going to take place tomorrow? Otherwise tomorrow?
Could you please add @joannes (and possibly Ann) to the Edgeryders and Signal Full Members groups?
On another unrelated point: I read that you have made changes to the registration form for the presentation, to remove the option to express interest in studios and 2 BR apartments.
Can it be an option to keep these options, but with the mention that there are currently none left? It could look like something like this?
* Studio: sold out => waiting list
* 2BR: sold out => waiting list
This would have the advantage that we keep gathering data from people who are interested. This may be very useful if ever the deal with Oak Tree wouldn’t go through, or if someone for some reason decides to leave The Reef early.
Will do
Hello @reef-recruitment,
Without any reproach, I notice that it seems to take time to update certain things related to the membership administration. Especially when it comes to communication, this matters. For example, when people move up a stage (e.g. Joannes), it would be nice if the adjustments on Signal and Edgeryders could be automatic. Likewise, when people leave, it’s really important that they are removed from the “reeflings” group and from Nextcloud. For example, I am about to post a message in the confidential category, which may have ended up in the mailbox of Pepijn and Patrick (I am throwing them out myself now).
I am very aware that there are a whole lot of things to monitor and follow-up in relation to the membership administration, so this is not a reproach. Nevertheless I’d like to ask whether you can please look into this, and maybe identify the 2-3 critical things that require a swifter follow-up? Just a suggestion though. TIA!