Team Recruitment & Onboarding: getting started


Either is fine with me

I’ll put together a potential agenda soon…

Hello Team!
I was having a quick look at where are new Associate Members are, and I am a bit confused.

  • On Edgeryders I see Anna, Hilde and Stef.
  • Hilde and Geert have filled their fiches, but no mini-bios yet?
  • Anna only did the skills fiche.
  • No sign of Stef.
  • No Geert on Edgeryders?

It’s not my intention to point fingers here, but I would like to get some clarity about where everybody is, talking 6 weeks after the presentation. If that requires escalating things a little and calling out people in a post on Edgeryders, then I would propose we do that. Other proposals to fix this of course also very welcome.

Hi Lee,

  • Stephane apparently was away for work but said last week to Els that he is going to fill in all the doc this weekend.
  • Anna: there was a problem with the file of the personal presentation fiches when she wanted to complete it. I had sent her a message when it was fixed but now I will send a reminder.
  • @ChrisM: any update about Geert & Hilde?
  • @manuelpueyo : any update about Maria Clara?

If I understood well it’s the coordinator who takes the lead in guiding the new associates to the several teams? Is there something that needs to be done now for that?

I would also like to mention again that team COM needs a backup. It is only Manuel for now and in the light of promoting the presentation, it would not be bad if two people follow that up instead of one. It would be good if I could tag a team instead of 1 person.


I’ll send a message to Hilde now about their mini bios and getting Geert on to Edgeryders…

Agreed! And while we’re talking about it, doesn’t Alberto still need a back up for the accounting? Our intention was to set it up so that nobody is irreplaceable, but I’m not sure that’s the case with Comms and accounting at the moment…


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Thanks a lot for that @mieke! This really helps me to get more clarity.

For the teams set-up: both the coordinator role and the teams set-up process are a bit in a chaotic phase, but nothing that can’t be fixed. What would help though is the “skills and experiences” documented to be completed and to have a “reef-associate” tag that includes everybody that needs to be reached. Once that is done I can take care of the follow-up.

On another topic: in the meeting minutes it says this:

Report to the plenary about the onboarding process review. Also write a post. Chris and Mieke in the lead.

@ChrisM and @mieke is that something you can still take care of ahead of the next plenary? The review item may fall off the agenda (it’s quite full), but in case it doesn’t it would be great if this could be included.

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I’ll do that this afternoon. As time is short, I’ll let Team R&O know on Signal about the post as soon as it’s up, so that it can be edited if I’ve missed something…

As has been suggested in one of the review threads, good practice moving forward would be to set a team meeting calendar for the year, and sticking to it as much as possible when we have at least 3 members available. I know it’s not always easy to do so, but could each of you indicate which days/times in the week you are most likely to be free, and I’d be interested to know what sort of frequency you think we should be aiming for. With this information, I’ll set a schedule and add it to the calendar… :slight_smile:

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Hi Lee,
All associate members expect Stephane have filled in all their onboarding documents, including the skills & experiences. Els (the buddy of Stephane) has reminded him already several times to complete his onboarding documents and I also sent him a private message on Edgeryders, to which he didn’t respond yet. He is also included in the reef-associate tag, so I would propose to go ahead with contacting the associate members for the teams set-up.
Thanks a lot for that.


Hi Chris, sorry your message had escaped my attention. For me, only Mondays are a ‘no’. Other weekday evenings are good. Weekend: also good, but preferably planned a few weeks in advance.

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Hi Chris,

I am free most days, except on Tuesday until 9 April included. On Wednesday Alberto and I have date night, so if he is ok to sacrifice one every once and while Wednesdays could also be possible. I prefer to not have Reef meetings during the weekend though, unless there is a pressing urgency.

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Hi all,

Just a quick non-significant update to let you know that I have updated the checklist by adding a point 10 to the Exploring stage. Summed up it says “prepare for steps 1-3 of the associate stage, because you need to finish this within one week”. Let’s see whether this helps to make the mini-bios and the teams choices a bit easier next time :smiley:.


Hi @reef-recruitment !

So it seems that Thursday evenings are the ideal time to schedule regular meetings. So I propose scheduling a monthly meeting for the rest of the year on a Thursday evening, excluding August (when people are mostly away on holiday). April is an issue, because there is already something Reef-related (or there will be soon) on every Thursday evening. I think we have some ongoing discussions (for example diversity and adjusting the process for potential household size, amongst other things) that should be returned to before May, so there is a one weekend date proposed after the next presentation. Here’s the suggestion:

Saturday 20 April (morning or afternoon)
Thursday 23 May (evening)
Thursday 20 June (evening)
Thursday 25 July (evening)
Thursday 19 August (evening)
Thursday 24 October (evening)
Thursday 28 November (evening)
Date in December TBD if needed

Feedback welcome, and if there’s no objections, I will add them to the calendar…

Also, as there has been no objections concerning our policy review (Recruitment process review), I propose that @mieke and I move forward with creating the buddy pool ahead of the next presentation in 3 weeks.

Hi @Chris,

Once every 4 weeks seems a bit much to me, but happy to give it a try.

The weekend of 20 April is a bit difficult though. Can it be an option to look for a date next time we see each other?

Hey @ChrisM,

I see that my tag above didn’t fully come through. Could you please pick this one up? This may now get really urgent. TIA!

Hi @Lee !
Missed your message on the 3rd. And I meant to come back to this thread sooner, but lost touch with it somehow…

I can’t remember why every 4 weeks seemed like a good idea. Not attached to it at all, so perhaps every 6 weeks would make more sense. I propose that we have a meeting soon, and I’ll propose a schedule moving forward while we’re all together.

Having said that, finding a free moment to meet soon is easier said than done. The only two times I can see for me in the next few weeks are Sunday 28 April (morning or afternoon) or Friday 3 May (afternoon). Do either of those days work for you? And @mieke and @alberto ??

Sorry both dont work for me

Hello @reef-recruitment,

It’s the least important detail ever, but since a recent post from a newling who has actually read the manual, I learned that we actually have two posts on membership:

The last thread has also become so long that it has become difficult to scroll towards the end.

What would you say about a proposal to close the “membership update thread”, with a link to a new one, where the first post would say something that this thread is meant for updates on people who are leaving?

I stumbled on l’Echappée’s manual (doing something else), and stumbled on something that I wanted to take note of. It’s on p. 5, where they speak about their recruitment process, where it says:

Au plus nous arrivions à la limite de taille de notre groupe, au plus nous avions des critères de sélections précis pour atteindre un équilibre entre personnes seules, familles, jeunes et moins jeunes, de langue différente.

Link to the manual:
Link to our post on Edgeryders: L'Echappée: manual, vision and statutes