TechBlick 14 - Lena [EN]

But your opinion. Do you think that car industry can promote a circular economy?

I think they should promote it. So as they are also using those electrical devices and all the other raw material based products, I think they need to take care that everything is sustainable. Because if we are getting more and more people on earth and yeah, at one point, if you don’t recycle stuff, then our raw materials will be out and then there will be no car cars anymore. Yeah.

So I think they do it already. The car industry, I mean.

That’s a good question. I really I don’t, I don’t know, but I think you can always improve your, yeah your abilities. So I think they should concentrate on this topic. Yeah.

Do you currently own a car?

I own a car. Yeah.

Which kind of car is it?

Yeah. And my own car is a Ford Focus.

I mean, is it a petrol or electric or hybrid?

It’s a petrol one. So. But maybe getting an electrical one next year. So. Yeah. Yeah.

Um, what personal or professional experience have you had with electronics in the cars you did use?

Um, yeah. Sometimes it will make your visits at the car stop a little bit more expensive. So if something is like going wrong in the electronics, they always have like to check everything twice. And yeah, you can’t do anything on your own. But also, I think it’s really nice to see that we can have some safety aspects that are addressed by electronic devices in cars. And yeah, so that the car is like using the brake by its own. If you if you are near to any like other cars or something and therefore I think, yeah, it’s a, it’s a good thing.

Do you have concerns about privacy and private or personal data stored by car electronics like GPS for example?

Yeah, the possibility is there. But for me personally, I’m not afraid of such stuff.

electronics in general, for example, cell phones or laptops, because.

We are all using cell phones and so I need to use it. I have no chance to take it, to leave it. So I think this is for me personally, not not a problem, but maybe it can bring up some issues. Yeah.

Do you think other generally concerns about the privacy in thinking about circular economy practice like reusing and so on.

This is also. Yeah. Also there I’m not an expert. I don’t know what kind of processes they are using to delete all this data from the pre owners. If you are buying a car or pre-owned car or pre-owned cell phone or something. Yeah, I never had any issues with that. So yeah. But it’s possibly it could. Yeah, it could be a problem. I’ve never thought of it to be honest.

does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yeah it’s different because I think yeah, reusing recycling will bring maybe every part of the device back into the flow and reusing I think often it’s just we reuse it for like 2 or 3 more years and then it’s going to the trash. So this is maybe not really recycling. If we like taking this example with the cell phone, for example, because this is most of the time, yeah, you get rid of it then if it’s not working anymore. And I think most of yeah, it’s going to waste.