TechBlick 14 - Lena [EN]

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

I would say, yeah, I would say 4 to 5. I think this is a big topic, especially all those plastics that are in our environment and that is entering our, um, the seas and the rivers and everything and which this will come back to us also as the animals that are living in there are consuming those microplastic particles. And we will consume the animals then. So yeah, it’s a really big topic, I think, and we should all taking care of that and have it in mind. Also by developing new products for us as an adhesive developer, we are also like having these issues in mind. But to be honest, we are also not able to address it every time because if the customer has some really like if they want some requirements for for sure, then we need to address them. And sometimes yeah, then I can tell you then the adhesive won’t be sustainable. But yeah, we are working on it and we are also planning to have like adhesives that are especially made out of raw materials that are like from sustainable sources. Yeah.

What if any actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Um, yeah. So from my side, I’m, I just buy clothes from companies that give a little bit more information on the production of those. Of those clothes. And yeah, I also like, try to buy some foods and groceries, which are not like packed into a lot of plastic because this is something we can all manage pretty easily. There are a lot of options here in Germany where you can buy like food, which is not packed that lot. Yeah, or if you are buying like fruits or vegetables, something like that. You most of the time you have the choice between the cucumber which is like vacuumed and plastic, or the one which does not have any plastic. So I’d say these are my contributions. Yeah.

The last question, how much responsibility does each individual. Have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment.

Can you repeat this question?

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices by themselves that help protect the environment?

I would say the individual person does have an impact on all these questions. And if everybody is having this in mind, this will definitely help if this is the biggest part of the cake, I don’t know. But I would say we need yeah, we need to think about all those points and if we are just ignoring it, everything will be way worse in a few years. So I would say if everybody is doing his best then it could work. Yeah.

Okay. Thank you very much. That’s all. Okay. Nice.
