TechBlick 25 - Sebastian [EN]

What kind of car is it?

It’s an Volkswagen ID4.

Is it electric or.

Electric vehicle? Yeah, electric. Uh.

What Personal or professional experience have you had with electronics in car you have used?

Yeah. Yeah. I mean yeah that obviously the whole deal. Apple CarPlay, all of the connectivity but also worked for like I said, it worked for a company called Grover. And there we’ve been talking to a bunch of car companies on like integrating different services. Maybe also if you subscribe to a car, also getting a subscription to a to an electric scooter, you can just put in the trunk and then basically both. So we have quite some have quite some experience on that side.

Uh, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by colleagues, for example, in GPS?



I think it’s. I think obviously there’s always a trade off between data privacy and and what’s being done with it. But as long as not, I mean it is going to be personalized. Like they’re going to know my my patterns, but it’s it’s the cell phone that you have in your pocket that tracks wherever you go with Google Maps and whatnot. It’s even more powerful than the car. So I’d say on that side, like the car is probably my least worries when it comes to data privacy. So it’s like, yeah, I drive it. So yeah, okay. Then I drive from A to B, and then if Mercedes or Volkswagen knows that I’ve parked in front of the hotel, so be it. I mean, but it’s like the, the what I have in my pocket is a much bigger surveillance item than any car could be.

And about electronics in general, thinking on reusing, for example.

Yeah. I mean, there has to be there has to be ways to, to delete that. At my previous company at Grover, we used. Military grade deletions, deletions, deletions. Is that a word. Yeah. So any software to delete stuff and that like the worst thing that can happen if you participate in any sort of circular economy is like getting a device with other person’s data on it, like you don’t want. That’s like the worst case, right? So that needs to be that needs to be crystal clear that it’s not it’s a no no. Um, but beyond that, I mean, if that’s the case, if I return something, I will usually delete everything myself. Very adamant about that. But I’m also not I don’t I don’t have an Amazon Echo or something like that. I don’t put that type of equipment in my home.

You touched this question about circular economy and privacy. What do you think? Do you have any concerns about privacy in circular economy?

Um. Yeah. No, not real concerns. I think it has a big opportunity. Right. I think it’s like same thing for like, I don’t know, still own records in my, in my and play my own records. But I also have a Spotify and all the other like subscription services. And I don’t think it’s anything wrong with that. It’s like having more personalized recommendation on things. Right? As long as I have a feeling that stuff is not being used for the wrong things, like right now, it’s I’m not overly concerned if I take precautions on certain things. There are certain devices I just don’t get, I won’t get. But if I return something again, I. I have enough technology, know how to computer, know how to delete stuff myself. So I feel relatively comfortable of like navigating privacy.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you? Absolutely.

I mean. Um, recycling for me is taking things apart and using for a different purpose and reusing this. If something is built to reuse things. And I think that’s. Um, it’s. Yeah, it’s absolutely different things.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means being not at all concerned, and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Four. To. Five.


That’s like the whole world wants to participate in, in technological, techno technological advances. And like, if we have a couple billion people all want an iPhone or something like that, it’s going to be a big issue. So we have to we have to like make a lot of the the process we have and the the wealth that we have comes from way fewer people owning things. And so we have to find a solution for that problem. So yeah, it’s absolutely it’s probably five when you think about it. Yeah.