TechBlick 25 - Sebastian [EN]

We are we were touching that. What if any actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability.

Have two small kids and I. Sure. I’ve. I’ve grown up repairing things. Even the smallest trying things like I have my my four year old son, we used to repair things because we repair things together. We have these small like plastic airplane that has makes a sound and and does stuff and like if it’s broken, like we’ll take it apart and like things like look what’s going on and maybe solder a cable back onto the, onto the, onto the board and to make it work again. Right. So I think it’s, it’s a small steps, but I try to teach the next generation. But also personally we try to be more aware with like like how buy and what containers do I buy things in the supermarket, try to buy as many things that are either recyclable or in best case, even have a deposit on it so I can give them back. Try not to buy these like these cheapo bottles, but more longer lasting either glass or like harder plastic. It actually has have a have a reusable mechanism built in. So yeah couple things.

Last question how much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment in your opinion?

I think we. We can’t force everyone. To do everything at once. Right. It’s it’s basically like a step mechanism. Step by step mechanism. Everyone does a little bit either. Everyone eats a little less meat or buys reusable containers, these type of things. So then we’re getting somewhere. If and it’s I think we have to be very careful how we talk about things and not demonize people. Like maybe that don’t participate as much in a sustainable way of living as everyone else should be. But again, if we’re getting everyone to do a little things a little bit, then. We’re going a long way. Example is that often in the US, if we get all of the pickup trucks to consume it a little less fuel. It’s a way higher impact than if you have the next Toyota Prius, like consuming a gallon less. Right. So that’s like that’s the big buying because everyone does a little bit. It’s it’s pretty much better than if you people do everything.

Okay. Thank you very much, Sebastian. Thank you.
