We want to use the LOTE3 for creating content for our very own P2P Guide handbook. The aim is to help one another make a living in ways that allow us to negotiate a different relationship to the dominant paradigm concerning the value of work and it’s nature. The book will offer inspiration, information, strategies, actionables and instructibles for:
- paying the rent
- influencing who you are in the eyes of others
- finding reasons to get out of bed
Those of us who have been discussing this idea in different Edgeryders threads think this is the most helpful content to produce together for, and with, our peers all over the world. But this extends further than static information. What we have to offer is being creative about harnessing peer support, building resources and collaborations to help one another live and work outside the empoyment paradigm.
The idea for the unMonastery came out of a conversation a small number of us had at the last Living on the Edge event. What started out as a session about alternative ways to fundraise for meaningful projects turned into a much deeper discussion. At some point in the conversation we realised that perhaps we were looking in the wrong direction.
We realised that perhaps the real question was not how we can find ways to chase money to support our experimental responses to economic, ecological and political crises. Rather the interesting question was how could the people in that room, experiment with new ways of living our own individual lives together, to support one anothers work? And what kind of an infrastructure would we need to build to support these experiments? Assuming that we would never have access to public funding or commercial investment?
The unMonastery is the first of these experiments. Rather than decide everything in advance we just decided to go ahead collaborate in making it happen, trusting ourselves and one another to be creative enough to figure things out together along the way. Thanks to the huge efforts of a small number of people with bursts of support from many more people, the unMonastery has gone from idea to prototype in less than one year. At some point along the way the public administration of Matera, the City hosting the first prototype, got involved and offered the space even putting money into renovating it. But what kickstarted it was us just deciding to go ahead and realise it together.
We are documenting the work of making it happen here, but at some point in the process someone came up with the idea that we should synthesise this into a how-to guide so others elsewhere could set up other unMonasteries where they are needed.
And it got me thinking, In which other new ways could we support one another to be able to do meaningful work while making a living? What questions could we ask and then flip into totally unexpected solutions together? And could the challenge of collaboratively producing a practically useful and inspiring book be a good context within which to coordinate our experiments and motivate us to document them for one another?
In two weeks, over 100 community members will be gathering at lote3 at the unMonastery in Matera. The aim of the event is to help one another skill up and build capacity to get better and better at moving from talk to action in devising creative responses to economic, ecological and political crises.
I am personally very interested in this question: How can those currently having a hard time in the labour market help each other to generate revenue and meaningful work through networks?
So my quest is experimenting with new ways of generating revenue through self-organising swarms and free floating collaborations now that we have a corporate shell we can use.
Want to help? Ask a question you want to answer through the book!
Those of coordinating the collaborative production of this book will use your questions as a basis for structuring the book. And if with your help we will design a format for documentation from the event sessions so they feed into it!
So tell us: What is your question? And which of the tracks/ session proposals matches it the closest?
Post your answers in the comments below, or tweet them using #unmonbook.